Communications Update

Author: CL7 KittyKat
Department:Sr. Manager/COMM

Sorry I couldn't be at the celebrations in person but it is a bit of an ungodly hour for me to see without being seriously intoxicated, which would really affect my copy and paste abilities :P and unfortunately neither of my partners in crime (Amanda and Suzy) could make it either!

However! Lack of representation should never deter a speech (apparently :P)!

Well, its the end of another year on planet earth. Folks reckon its somewhere between 6000 and 4.7 billion years old' depending on your beliefs, so 365-366 is a mere drop in the ocean ;). it's probably a good thing most people don't see more than 100 years, NYE would lose all its shine after a while! *L*

In the few months since the last communications speech we've finally managed to get things into shape, everything is running relatively smooth (touch wood!). So just an updated on the unfinished stuff from August! The Tribune is up and running, regularily appearing in the Top 5 on the Homepage. The 2001-2002 Yearbook is completed and available for everyone's perusal. There's not a lot more to add which hasn't already been said *G*. But for a full run down of all the communications projects please check out our homepage!

So I just want to take this opportunity to thank all my staff for a year of hard work and effort. We couldn't do what we do without them! ;)! So any of them reading this can give themselves a big pat on the back :).

I hope everyone here has a Great New Year and sticks to all their resolutions of course ;)

