CCC Update

Author: CL7 CT
Department:Sector Command/Admin.

Greetings from Star Wars Sector Command. On behalf of SW Sector Command I wish you all a Happy New Year and best wishes for 2003.

I am very happy and proud of the past year of growth and exciting modifications to the Cloud City Cantina that include:

-Addition of 590 avatars.
-Addition of the Jedi/Dark Jedi Affiliations.
-Changed the chat colors to be more vibrant and ‘Star Wars-ish’
-Armory and bar changes. (Added the lightsaber for Jedi affiliated users, and added the “Wookie Cookie” option in the bar)
-CCC Login color updates by Admiral Maxwell.
-Increase of regular OTF-sponsored Simming and Trivia Events.

In the coming year look for SW: Episode III news (but watch out for spoilers), possible improvements to the CCC. We encourage the suggestions and ideas of OTF members as to how they would like their little corner of the SW universe portrayed in OTF, so drop us an idea via e-mail or the OTF Suggestion Box. We like to hear from you, so please speak up, and talk to Glenn or I if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks go to Darth Damos for his service as SW Sector Commander this year, and to Glenn, my DSC. Thanks to the Executive Council for all of their support, everyone involved in the implementation of OTF v2 this past year, and ALL of you that come to OTF to chat, work, play, meet people, or just come in to get away from it all for a while. Thank you all.

Good luck in all of your future endeavors in 2003. Peace to you all, and may the Force be with you.

CL7 Crazy Texan
SW Sector Commander

CL7 Glenn
SW Deputy Sector Commander
