Web Development

Author: CL4 Wraith
Department:Web Development Guild/COUN

Hey Everyone! Wraith here. I've just been instated as the Project Leader (in training) of the Web Development Guild. WOW an official title PLIT *g*

This is a Guild for showcasing all of you out there that are into web development! This means web pages, graphic design, java, flash or just about anything that has to do with the building of web sites. Showing you off and you getting to tell about yourself. We currently have a small staff (just me) but we are still coming out with some great projects and will be adding more staff soon.

The purpose of the WDG is to showcase those in our community that work behind the scenes, build the pages, do the graphics, programming, etc. Haven't you ever wondered who did all that you see here? Well it is your friends that you talk to, the members of the community.

Do you wonder about how our computer people got involved or learned to do what they do? Well at the WDG we contact the Outpost members for interviews on their expertise and you can read about them and find out how they evolved in their area of expertise. Whether one is working for OTF or not they can be interviewed. So if you have interest in this area maybe they can inspire you and give you ideas about how to get started in an area you are interested in.

As I said before, we will also be adding some new sections. We will be compiling bios of some of the most famous web development people around, complete with links to some of their work. People like David Griffith known for his java applets for the water effects, fire, snow etc. We will also have a resource page to guide you to areas of interest that you might want to explore and learn. And there will be a section to submit a program, flash anything that you might have done for fun that might fit OTF pages but you have done for your web pages or just to try it and found it turned out great.

Do you have suggestions? What do you want to see? Are there other things you think the Web Development should include? Everyone will want to see just what OTF peeps can accomplish! You want us to interview you? Contact us at Web Development Guild
