Weapons Locker

Author: CL4 Tuvix

Klingon Personal Weapons The Klingons, everyones favourite ridge headed warrior race. However, what is a warrior race without weapons? The Klingon warrior has a wide range of weapons available to them.

Federation personnel Klingon troops make use of energy weapons. The standard Klingon side arm is the disruptor pistol. The disruptor is roughly equivalent in power to a federation type two phaser. However when fired the disruptor emits a bolt of energy and not as beam like a type two phaser. The disruptor pistol also doubles as a rifle unit when a shoulder stock exstention is fitted to the back of the weapon.

Unlike Federation personnel, Klingon troops make extensive use of bladed weapons. The principal three Klingon bladed weapons are the Bat'leth, Mek'leth and d'k tahg. The Bat'leth or "sword of honour" is a robust , multigripped weapon with a very interesting and fundamental place in Klingon history. Klingons believe that the first Bat'leth was forged 1500 years ago when Kahless the unforgettable placed a lock of his hair in the lava of Kri'stok volcano and ten the lake of Lursor and he twisted it into a blade which he sed to kll the tyrant Molor. Afterwards he named it the Bat'leth. A modern Bat'leth is usually 116 centimeters long, weighs 5.3 kilograms and is composed of Baakonite metal.

The mek'leth is approximately half the length of a Bat'leth. It has a long and a short blade and one grip. Mek'eths like Bat'leths are constructed from Baakonite. It takes great skill to weild a Mek'leth successfully in battle. The d'k tahg is a far more common weapon than either the mek'leth or the Bat'leth. It however does have great ceremonial value within Klingon culture. Over the past century at least four versions of the three bladed dagger have been in use by Klingon forces. Two of these versions have featured articulated side blades which spring out into place at the touch of a button on the hilt. The other two versions have had these blades fixed in their exstended position. The d'k tahg usually also features a spiked grip end. This can be employed in downward or backward crushing strikes. The current version of d'k tahg is constructed from two alloys. Urs'ga used in the handle and kar'kethet in the blade.

There are many other bladed weapons in less wide spread use by Klingon forces. The Gin'tak for example, is a wavy bladed ceremonial spear used in battle. The Kut'luch is a large knife with a serrated blade that can inflict serious wounds. It is customaily used by assasins. Then there is the painstik. This does not technically have a blade. It is best dscribed as an electronic "cattle prod". The painstik is a ritual weapon used in many important ceremonies such as the "Age of ascension" ritual and "Sonchi" the right of succesion ritual. Even when disarmed a Klingon warrior can still be a deadly weapon. Most Klingons learn an ancient martial arts form called Mok'bara which was developed by Kahless the unforgettable. It is very similar to Tai Chi and is designed to improve a warriors agility in hand to hand combat.

In conclusion I believe it is best to be nice to Klingons.
