Not Your Home Palnet-Star Wars

Author: CL4 Aravis
Department:Publishing Team/COMM

Where are we going? The Hapes Cluster

Where is the Hapes Cluster? Between Obroa Skai and Kashyyyk

About the Hapes Cluster: The Hapes Cluster consists of 63 star systems which orbit around the star Hapes. The planet Hapes is the centre of the Hapan government for as long as can be remembered.One day on Hapes lasts approximately 22 hours, while the year lasts 240 days. The planet Hapes also has 7 moons. Founded by prirates, centuries ago, called the Lorell Raiders, Hapans would breed with the most attractive mates they could find. The Jedi wiped out the Lorell Raiders when they were stealing from the Old Republic supple centres. After most of the men were killed, the surviving women declared to never let a man rule again. Hapes is ruled by a Queen Mother, currently Tenel Ka, daughter of Teneniel Djo and Prince Isolder, and grand-daughter of Ta'a Chume. While Teneniel Djo was Queen Mother, she brought the Hapans together with the New Republic, and opened the planet Hapes to refugees during the war against the Yuuzhan Vong.

More about the Hapans: As noted, Hapans are known for their beauty. It has been said that once you see a Hapan, you will never forget their grace, beauty and strength. Be careful for the women though. Hapes has been ruled by aggresive and powerful women, especially some past Queen Mothers such as Ta'a Chume. Because of the 7 moons that orbit Hapes, the inhabitants have poorer night vision that other humans. The Hapes Cluster also boasts an impressive military, even though they have chosen to stay away from most galactic problems in the past.

What do to, what to see: Besides the attractive Hapans, there is much to see among the 63 star systems in the Hapes Cluster. The planet Hapes itself has the royal palace, as well as its beautiful natural landscape, including tropical mountains. On Selab, there are Trees of Wisdom whose fruit is known to lift the intelligence of people passing into old age. Or, for a change of pace, you can visit the high-tech world of Charubah. Either way, there is much to see and do. I would recommend the Hapes Cluster for anyone of any age to go for a vacation. No matter what your interests, there is something for everyone!

Your travel guide,
