
Author: CL5 Lzrman


During January we had two Unions. Demon Slayer hosted one in London and there was also a "get-together" in Holland. There are many neat pictures *g* that are kewl, from 2 people from 2 different countries, being almost alike.

Past Unions: London & Den Haag

Upcoming Details: The Unions Team is in the process of making a decision about having a monthly or bi-monthly Who is that? competition.

Future Unions: We have some upcoming unions - One in February will be hosted by Lieutenant Nina Janeway, her first union that shes ever planned. This union is in Gothenburg, Sweden on February 28th.

The next one is in Toronto Canada on July 11-13th. For more information contact Kathryn Janeway-Riker.

Aussie Lore has been planning a union, some time in the Summer of 2003 in Adelaide, South Austrailia. And Fatman has one in the works for March, 2003!

Then theres the Official Outpost Union which will be held in Vancouver, BC, CANADA, the "Home of OTF". The dates still not been decieded by the Executive Council but they will let us know as soon as they do *lol*

Just a note: We need some attendance records & pictures from the unions that don't have links in the past union section... its looking a little bare.

CL5 Lzrman_
Unions Desk
