Not Your Home Planet Trek

Author: CL2 I'm Still Remembering

If pleasure is your game, then Argelius II is your name! Or, rather, the name of what should be your next vacation spot. In fact, hedonism (the seeking solely of pleasure) is in such high fashion that the Argelian people completely forego the idea of work, preferring instead to hire outside administrators. Sound like the place for you? Then read on!

Tourism is the #1 industry on Argelius II, and as such, there are a few attractions you won't want to miss during your stay. Begin by checking out the Statue of Pol'is, the Argelian god of oratory. He straddles the magnificent harbor at Synthaea, flanked by smaller statues of his mischevious little servants, S'ra and Jaa'n. And you musn't forget to stop by the Doc'gi, what very well may be the planet's sole evidence of labor. It's a massive 500-year-old garden kept up by the all-female followers of the Order of Juud, wherein you may walk, relax, and even sample an array of fresh fruit (the jontin and matyu come highly recommended).

After your stroll (or perhaps after rolling around in the grass with a new friend), take a short trip to the Chuq'an, an eatery featuring some delectable local cuisine. Don't be afraid to have a go at all the specialties: braised lyn, roast taad, and bit of buttered ali'i sprouts for good measure. After your meal, kick back and play the planet's equivalent of gambling, a game called "luu." Had a streak of bad luck? No worries -- in this game, everyone somehow comes out even by the time they leave.

When night falls, check in at the galaxy-renowned L'yar hotel, where every room gives way to a splendid view of Katay Lake. Tired? Aching? Let the massage staff take care of that! Their skills are so advanced, they've set up an on-site training area. For a fun twist, book yourself passage on the Miijul, a sailing vessel offering spectacular visuals as it travels around the Do'hna archipelago.

If guaranteed relaxation is what you're looking for in a vacation, then Argelius II is right for you. Nature, masseurs, and great food -- does it get any better? Find out in next month's installment of "NOT Your Home Planet"!
