Editorial Tagline

Author: CL7 Kitty Kat
Department:Sr. Manager/COMM

Ever been stuck for a tagline? Spent minutes on the login page trying to think of what to put in that little space? Well here are some ideas!

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand
A closed mouth gathers no feet
Bother, said Pooh, as Piglet sacrificed him to the dark one
The art of flying is learning how to throw oneself @ the ground & miss
Mind Like A Steel Trap - Rusty And Illegal In 37 States
Missing tagline, if found call 1-800-TAG-LINE
Monday is the root of all evil!
Money can't buy you love, but it sure makes shopping fun!
my thoughts are my own ... and don't always make sense
Multitasking: The ability to screw up several things at once
Don't Vote. It only encourages them!
Be of Good Cheer; I Have Overcome the World !!
Verily I say unto you: "Doo wah diddy diddy, dum diddy doo!"

Star Trek
ERROR: Data Corrupted - (A)bort (R)etry (B)lame Lore?
A Tribble a day keeps the Klingons away
"We've *all* been here before." Riker
Dammit Jim, I am a Doctor, not a Cocktail waitress!
I! Am! Kirk! Of Borg! Acting! Ability! Is! Irrelevant! (just for Babel *EG*)

Star Wars
RRWARARRHHG!! - Wookie Proverb
Go kiss a Wookie!
And now, young Skywalker, you will die.
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
May the Force be ... and all that.

Thought Provoking
All Beings are equally due compassion, love and respect
Life does not consist of thinking, it consists in acting
Anything that stresses you can also make you stronger
Never Argue With A Fool, People Might Not Know The Difference
Beauty is the purgation of superfluities - Michelangel
Refuse to be intimidated by reality!
Everything that deceives also enchants -Plato
Dread has come upon you all! The goblins are upon you! - Gandalf
A classic is a book that is much praised, rarely read
Zall's Law: A dirty book is seldom dusty
Like all dreamers I confuse disenchantment with truth - Jean-Paul Sartre
For I have swung on the dragon's tongue, and danced on holy ground
Peace is difficult to be achieved solely by governments -Dalai Lama
Anger is a momentary madness, so control it or it will control you

You can find these and many (many, many, many) more taglines at www.taglinesgalore.com

