Publishers Previews

Author: Spot the Cat
Department:Publishing Team/COMM

Sitting on the bed in a nice sunny spot reading a book seems to be the way some humans like to spend their time. Personally, I prefer plain sleeping and napping and resting to reading, but since I can't turn the pages and I can't hold the book and (don't tell anybody) I can't read so my choices are limited. However, coming soon to my master's bookstore are lots of new titles that will put a considerable dent in the personal finance department.

First off, we have goodies from Star Trek: December saw the release of 2 new Star Trek books, a mini-series called "Star Trek - The Brave and the Bold". There was also a new ebook, "SCE:War Stories - Book 2" This is a new series about the daVinci's crew and their adventures during the Dominion War. In January, a follow up to last years' Avatar Series (back again to DS9) will be published. There will be 2 books, "Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - Rising Son" will follow Jake Sisko in his search for his missing father. Then "Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - Unity" will finish off the DS9 relaunch series with the birth of the Sisko baby, the return of Ben and Bajor's entry into the Federation. More ebook entries and the new Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (Revised Edition)"will be out there!

In March, 2 more novels, "Gemini" from TOS, and TNG "The Genesis Wave - Book 3" are on the way, along with another ebook featuring the continuing mission of the daVinci. All in all, lots of good books for the Star Trek Fan!

Next - Fantasy Books: Of course, we all know that on 21 June, the new Harry Potter novel "Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix" wil be released. For anyone who really wants it, and doesn't care to stand in line, it is available for pre-order at our bookstore partner Remember, every book we buy thru the Outpost Library on amazon supports the server! (Ok, that was the commercial - back to the books). This book is going to be HUGE, much longer than "The Goblet of Fire" so set some time aside now for your summer reading pleasure as we join Harry, Hermione and my personal favorite Ron Weasley in their 5th year at Hogwarts.

There has probably been a great rise in the number of people out there reading and re-reading all the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. Browsing the local book store, I looked (actually drooled and fussed and fidgeted) at the $80.00 US collectors edition (beautifully bound, in a slipcase with 50+ illustrations by Alan Lee). It's not in the budget this month, but my birthday is coming. The selections and choices of all books by Tolkien is almost overwhelming - there is something out there for every level or reader and every pocketbook.

There is a new offering from Robert Jordan as he brings us "Crossroads of Twilight - Book 10" in the Wheel of Time Series. We do have a few of the Wheel of Time series in the Library, but our list is incomplete *hint hint*.

In the Science Fiction category, I am personally awaiting 2 new books by Ben Bova. He launched a new series back in October, 2001 with his "Astroid Wars, Book 1" and Book 2 is on its way in April, 2003. Even better than that is the anticipated June publication of "Saturn", his next new "Big Book" that, according to the literary pundits out there, is going to be evenbetter than "Mars". We'll just have to wait and see.

Finally, Star Wars! (ok, I confess, still my favorite) has bunches of stuff on the way! But we aren't going to tell you anything at all till March :P. Except that we do suggest all NJO fans go to the bookstore or and buy (and of course read) the newest release. The first book of the Force Heretic trilogy, "Remnant" is a paperback novel by Sean Williams and Shane Dix due out 4 February, 2003.

Till next month, "curl up and read a book".
