Officer Profile

Author: CL4 Kayana

For the month of February, Officer Profile is proud to present to you our very own Cl7 Hongjun!

Hongjun was born on 28th Dec (mark the date!)in Hartfordshire,England (AND in the middle of a snowstorm) to a family of five of which she's the second youngest. Always a mover and shaker since young, Hongjun moved around a lot which explains her current working place, Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, China.

Hongjun works as Project Co-ordinator for the Shaanbei area (a province), in China. Currently she runs an English cafe for students to practice English, conducts English training seminars during the summer for middle-school teachers and is working on a project for middle school teachers teaching English to upgrade their teaching methods and improve their English. Not to mention contributes actively to OTF.

Whew! Hongjun really is talented!

On the subject of OTF, Hongjun found OTF from the CCC URL in a forum and after finding OTFers great people who shared similar interests in sci-fi and fantasy,decided to stick around. When quizzed about her favorite OTF moments, Hongjun told us that for her, that would be Henri reversing the accept and receive buttons on April Fools (hmmm. Tribune is seeing a pattern here.) and when she took over OTF for one weekend (uh oh. did someone say meglomania?). As for her most memorable OTf projects, that would be work she's done for ISA which unfortunately, Tribune can't reveal here. (Oh those confidentiality clauses) :)P

As for her personal life, Hongjun been owned by her cat, Tiger for the past 7 months. Feverently attached to her desk, Hongjun may yet consider humans if the color scheme can't be resolved. In her free time (what time there is!) Hongjun likes to collect badges and pins.

To end off,we ask Hongjun to tell us a bit about her town, Yan'an.

"Yan'an is where Mulan is buried, it was an important defensive post for China as it's located in a valley that is between Mongolia and the then captial of China, Xian. It's claim to fame was when Mao Zedong (one of the most famous premiers of China)lived here from sometime in the 1930's through to 1949. Oh and finally there are only 4 foreigners in the whole place so everyone knows who I am!"

Well that's it for this edition of Officer Profile, see you next month!
