Meet the Neighbors

Author: CL2 Jedi Initiate Chameleon
Department: Freelance

The Goa'uld, from Stargate SG-1

This months article tells about the Goa'uld. They are a parasitic worm-like race that take over the bodies of innocent humanoids and use them as hosts. The Goa'uld are born from a Queen as larvae and are kept in fluid filled containers which provide them with nutrience. They are looked after by Jaffa priests. When the larvae are ready, they are placed in a Jaffa host until they reach maturity. However, this disables the Jaffa's immune system thus making the Jaffa as dependent on the symbiote as it is on the host. The Goa'uld commonly enter a humaniod body from either the side or the back of the neck. Once inside they wrap themselves around the spinal column and take control.

The Goa'uld are quite technologically advanced. They possess vessels capable of interstellar flight that are well armed and armored. Their armies usually consist of Jaffa soldiers carrying staff weapons that fire energy pulses. The first shot will disable a target. The second shot will kill a target and a third shot will vaporize a target.

Humans got the attention of the Goa'uld many years ago when they discovered that human bodies could be easily maintained and thus they took possession of some. This is the explanation of how the Egyptian civilization came to be and explained how they were able to accomplish such amazing tasks like building the Pyramids. But a rebellion on Earth long ago forced the Goa'uld elsewhere.

It was not until the Stargate was discovered buried at Giza that the humans realized something was strange. Upon activating the gate they travelled to a far off planet where the population was much like them but was under the rule of the Sun God Ra. After the humans defeated Ra, the Goa'uld began to target Earth once more. This is where the series SG-1 begins.

For more information about Stargate SG-1, please read our companion article Alternate Universes.
