Marketing Update

Author: CL7 Kali D'or & CL7 Tierce
Department: Marketing/ADMIN

The month of January has been very busy for the Marketing Department. Capt. Tierce, the technical brains of the Division, has been hard at work on the completion of the new Banners project and OTF now has brand new banners for our "Vote for OTF" sites and to share with our marketing partners on their sites. Many thanks to Tierce and especially big thanks to Capt. Ika, who came out of retirement to assist in the final stages of the project. More goodies to come from that front yet.

In addition, Capt. Tierce has re-worked the "back side" of the Tribune one more time, so it is now compatible with the Opera Browsers and the Apple/Mac systems of our members. Thanks to Sonata for assisting in this. So, there are no excuses for not reading the Tribune any more :)

Tierce is also a full time Marketing student and, although his time is taken up with lots of things to do, he also had time to travel to London for the January mini-Union, and contribute ideas and information, stats and suggestions, to the OTF Marketing Plan which is in its' final stages of preparation for Admiralish approval.

In January, we were contacted by a new group out of Vancouver, BC with a request to partner with them and their site promoting a brand new television series premiering this coming September. Our very own Rabid Tribble actually had a real phone interview with them and you can read all about that in the "Chariots of the Gods" feature in the Entertainment section of the Trib. Our banners will be on their site, and we will feature their site info here at OTF.

In addition, we are making inroads with the publishing world and hope to have something really special for the Star Trek fans out there in March. Stay tuned to the Fan Clubs article here in the Trib for that one next month!

As an addendum to the Marketing Plan project, we will be, very soon, asking our members to answer some very specific questions about OTF, why they come here, what they do here, and what they want and expect from our community. The information that we gather, with the assistance of Capt. Glenn of the CCC, Capt. KK of the COMM Dept. and a few other helpful members, will answer some important questions that will allow us to serve the community better and provide what the membership wants. So watch your mailbox, and if you have changed your email address recently go to your dossier/profile and make sure the email info in there is correct.

Thats all for Marketing this month - don't forget to Read the Trib and then read a book!

CL7 Kali D'or
OTF Marketing Director
and some other stuff

CL7 Tierce
Asst. OTF Marketing Director
And lots of technical stuff
