Media Update

Author: CL4 Rabid Tribble

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Chariots of the Gods I recently had the opportunity to talk about the upcoming television series "Chariots of the Gods" (to be released in the U.S. and Canada this fall) with two representatives of the show, Daryl Bennett and Jim Guttridge.

The two men spoke enthusiastically as we discussed the premise and characters. Here's what I learned about what could turn out to be an exciting new series:

The hour-long show is based on author Erich von Daniken's bestselling book "Chariots of the Gods", which introduced the notion of "the ancient astronaut" theory. This controversial theory, which didn't go over well with religious groups, brings forth the possibility of Earth having been visited thousands of years ago by aliens, who helped speed up our technological advancements. They left behind artifacts and monuments (such as the Egyptian pyramids) and written "eyewitness" accounts of people having witnessed them in ancient times, which can be found most notably in the Bible, in the stories of Ezekiel and Elijah, among others. In fact, we ourselves would be descendants of these extra-terrestrials.

Von Daniken's book has been the inspiration behind Spielberg's classic motion picture "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"(1977) and "Stargate"(1994). In 1972, a documentary of von Daniken's works was made, seen by thousands of people around the world. The author now has the great distinction of being the best-selling "non-fiction" writer of all time, his 28 books having sold 63 million copies around the world, and been translated into 32 languages.

The new T.V. series will be based on Erich von Daniken's theories. It focuses on "The Corporation", a group of scientists and adventurers working to make known to the world the existence of these extra-terrestrials and our true origins.

Stefanie von Pfetten plays Melissa, a specialist in ancient languages, including Hebrew, Sumerian and Cuneiform. Being a spiritual person, she puts the artifacts and writings they discover in religious context.

Stephen Spender plays David Cohen, an adventurer and specialist in quantum physics, who decides to use his skills to help "The Corporation" accomplish its objectives.

Karen Holness is Kat, the archeologist, whose expertise is crucial to "The Corporation".

Together, "The Corporation" must fight against "The Institute", an organization bent on falsifying documents and rewriting history in order to conceal to the public the truth about humanity's extra-terrestrial origins and the alien visitors. In other words, "The Institute" stands for the exact opposite of what "The Corporation" is all about.

So, folks, keep your eyes open for "Chariots of the Gods": coming this fall to television sets across the U.S. and Canada! For more information, check out their Website. It features some cool facts about the show, the theories and the author.

We will have more exclusive interviews, information, links to their site and maybe even a special guest visit to OTF, so stay tuned!!
