Logistics Update

Author: CL6 Robin
Department: Logistics/Admin.

For this months article regarding Logistics, I would like to focus on what I want to see happen this year in Logistics. Since none of the other logistics members told me what they'd like to see happen, its all from me! *:P at you guys*

This year I would like Logistics to become one of the best known departments in Outpost10F. Not only just with the upcoming projects, but more with the interaction between Logistics and the members of the community. For example, the help desk jeopardy which was held during the middle of 2002. Our version of jeopardy attracted quite a number of OTF members, keeping us all busy replying to the large amounts of emails sent to our inboxes. Overall, Jon was the winner, being the first person the correctly answer the riddle.

Originality is the key to increasing our popularity in the community, all our projects are brainstormed by the Logictics group and then designed and implemented in a group effort. Using the jeopardy as the example again, the idea for using jeopardy and expanding on this was done in a group effort over the logistics mailing list, then Jen as the research assistant created and compiled questions and answers, also helped along by others. The page was created by the Technical assistant, myself, and the project was then released. All members of logistics took part in advertising, having their normal ranks changed to 'Help Desk Operator' or 'Help Desk Assistant'. The amount of emails recieved was astounding, with Jen doing most of the sorting through and replying.

My role in Logistics as Technical Assistant is to design and create webpages for the Logistics department. I have had many challenges during 2002 and I am looking forward to many more in the new year. I'm very excited to be part of Logistics and can't wait to see whats in store for 2003...
