ISA Update

Author: CL7 Hongjun
Department:Alder Hill Security/ISA

Handling Troublemakers I know that many of you wonder how to handle a troublemaker when there is no ISA or senior officer present in the chat. So I thought that it might be worthwhile to give you a few tips. These aren’t in any particular order by the way:

1) When some one starts to cause trouble and disrupt the chat the first thing to do is don’t loose your temper. Most of the time that is what the person wants to see everyone upset and angry. So keep your cool, if you can’t then bite your tongue and say nothing. Sometimes when people loose their temper it makes things worse rather than better.

2) Look and see if there is an ISA officer or Senior in one of the chat rooms, they might be Multi tasking and may have missed the problem, go and ask them to come and help

3) Politely ask the person to stop and explain the rules to them if needed, sometimes the person really doesn’t know the rules and generally in that case a quick explanation helps them to explain it. I would suggest that you smile as well. Being polite can sometimes calm someone down much quicker than any blaster or phaser shot.

4) Keep politely warning them and if you have armoury access do try and see if a L1 phaser/blaster helps them understand that you are serious about your warnings

5) Save the chat and send it to us at ISA that helps us decide if we need to keep an eye on the person.

6) When a senior/ISA officer does enter, quickly explain what has been happening and let them deal with the troublemaker

Hopefully it will be a rare occasion when there isn’t a Senior or ISA officer around to come in and sort the problem out and restore peace to the chat room. All of us in ISA hope that people who wish to disrupt the chat are few and far between; since they are out there we will be here to stop them.
