
Author: Alexandra, The Blue Lady
Department:Freelance, of course :P

Do we have any idea what Henri is working on these days? Well, believe it or not, I do, but that pushy guy CT has sworn me to total secrecy or he is going to have Lucas and Lorgar tie me up and lock me in the cabinet under the fish tank in the Admirals office! *sees the surprised look on CT's face cause he will never know how I found out about that little adventure *eg**.

So, although I am at liberty to advise all our friends at OTF that Henri and the InDev team, and a few of his secretly hired minions (which includes one very busy Admiral) are working on something that is just so kewl you won't believe it, I can't tell ya what it is.

I can tell you that it is Blue (my favorite color) and that it has windows and it is NOT a new handbag for Andrew, nor is it a jukebox for the CCC. I was able to sneak into the basement office that Henri has that he thinks no one knows about (oops - guess that cat is out of the bag) and check out his progress. He is really cranking away down there and will have a real report for all of us in March.

So fasten your seatbelts, make sure your tray tables are closed and locked and your seat back is in the uprigth position cause we are gonna go on another memorable ride with Mr. Magnificent himself - and only he knows where we are going!
