Author: Data

Here is the tribune thing dude :)

Shock, Horror, Run for your lives, how can they let Data have an article in the Tribune? I hear you think =P (And yes I am telepathic). Well recent changes within Entertainment has meant there have been various shuffling around of personnel.

First of all, CL6 Shaker has left as Assistant Manager due to real life commitments. Myself and I am sure the whole of the department wish him the best of luck with the future. As a result CL6 Richard has moved up to fill Shakers' position as AM (1) and I have filled Richards' spot as AM(2). I have also resigned as Gaming Team Leader and CL6 MPF has taken over the responsibility. Congrats to all the peeps in their new positions.

'The Entertainment Network' Homepage is also undergoing subtle changes to slowly transform it into a completely new page, without any one noticing =P or that's at least the idea. We are also looking for new peeps to join 'The Entertainment Network' and high priority for peeps wanting to join gaming or anyone with some graphics design knowledge or experience. So Join Join Join!

Well that's enough of my brainwashing for now, The next time I write it'll probably be on a more philosophical note and ten times as long.
