
Author: CL2 Columbia

Hello everyone

I am in Florida as I write this, using one of NASA's many fine computers. Anyway, since I cannot sleep, knowing that the charred remains of one of the Columbia's crew has been found, and not knowing who it is yet, I decided to write here and re-press the issue of the Space Shuttle Columbia Tribute Launch. I have created a tribute image that I would like placed on all sites willing to join in the tribute to the members of the Shuttle Colimbia crew. I plead, PLEAD with you to please, especially if you are a Star Trek related Simming group or Sim, place the tribute image on your sites.

We are trying to get 100+ sites to put the tribute up to show that the Star Trek Simming Community, or any Simming Community in general, supports and cares. The goal is, once we have at least 100 sites, and if more aren't coming in, I will present the list to William McCool's wife, and show her that the Simming world cares, and feels our family's loss.

In the mean time, please do spread the word, and pass the image along. Could you imagine how great it would be to present 100 sites, or maybe, if this gets rolling fast enough, several hundread. Also, feel free to head on over to the site for more than just the tribute image, for the information. I am trying to update the page every hour, so, there should be lots of information up there. I am still working on half of the content pages for just the America, but right now the linked pages by our friends as NASA and CNN, FOX News, and CBS will do fine.

PLEASE, do help get this tribute project underway. It is something I would really like to present to William's wife. You can visit the Columbia Shuttle Tribute Site. Thank you for your time.
