Book of the Month

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department:Project Leader/Outpost Library/Writers Guild

In my humble opinion (feel free to disagree please *lol*) The Hobbit is the starting point for the Lord of the Rings, depending on your point of view. Since I read it before I read any of the other books, and I think that the Lord of the Rings makes more sense if you read The Hobbit first, I have decided (literary privilege here) to feature that book first as the Book of the Month for OTF's Literary Year, 2003.

We are fortunate that in the Outpost Library we have 2 reviews of The Hobbit, written by Willyum and missMaul two of our more prolific readers and writers.

It is interesting to read their opinions of this classic fantasy book since Willyum first came to the Library's attention with his excellent work on the Star Wars Rogue Squadron Series and missMaul has contributed the reviews for all the Harry Potter books, but also dabbles in the Horror genre'. Although they have varied tastes in their other favorites, they seem to agree on the direction that J.R.R. Tolkien was going, how the book was written and how much they admired the style, characters, content and the STORY!

If you have read The Hobbit and agree, or disagree with Willz and mM, we invite you to do voice your opinion. The Library will be hosting a thread in the ikonboards forum for polite discussion on the book, its style, content, the authors style, the info it contains that is pertinent to LOTR, how it move the stories of Middle Earth forward and backward. The direction of the discussion will be up to the members. This thread will open with the publication of this months edition of the Tribune, so expect to see it on the 9th of February.

In early March, we will take an afternoon and sit around in big comfy chairs up in the attic at the Alder Hill Inn and "chat" about the book, and, if we're lucky, there wil be some new reviews in the Library that will give added interest to the conversation. So, grab a copy of The Hobbit and read it, re-read it, review it and get ready for some lively conversation. We'll see you on the ikonboards and in the chats!

Bilbo Lives!
