Alder Hill

Author: Town Scribe Lorgar
Department:Alder Hill

Dear Citizens and Visitors of Alder Hill: Best greetings from your town scribe.

While a lot of tradesfolk and visitors have come to our pretty town at the shores of river Gwern within the last month, the every day life here was all in all quiet and our town guards had enough time to enjoy the casual mug of ale at Radelia's.

To make orientation for all of you newly arrived in our town easier, we've decided to put a map of Alder Hill into the Town Hall. If anyone of you doesn't know how to find the best way to the Alder Hill Inn, just drop by and take a look at the map!

Above that, I'm very glad to announce that both the iğavian and melskháur governments have decided to send ambassadors to Alder Hill. The iğavian embassy is in the west of the town, while you can find the melskháur embassy at the east gates. Right now, our Mayor is negotiating with elves, dwarves and fae, so there is a good chance their ambassadors will move in shortly as well.

The iğavian ambassador has given a valuable present to our city: A Map of northern Arlavré, our continent, drawn by the famous cartographer Hyelinyo Salenai. It shows Iğavinai, Melskhautorn, the lands of the Elves and Fae, Dwarves and Trolls, the Midlands and all coasts. You may take a look at it in the Town Hall as well.

On behalf of Radelia, the landlady of the Alder Hill Inn, I would like you to keep in mind that, because of obvious reasons, fire-lizards are not allowed to take shelter in the wooden stable. You may take your fiery pets to a new near-by stone house instead.

My best wishes and enjoy your stay,

Lorgar ş, Town Scribe of Alder Hill
Fantasy Deputy Sector Commander
