Writers Guild

Author: CL4 MTabek

Hello again everyone, and welcome to the April edition of the Writer's Gild via the wonderful Tribune! *Cheering and Clapping*

For today, we examine the most majestic and beautiful of areas, Northern Idaho! I was lucky enough to be able to take a friend (Who lives in Michigan) over to see my place of residence. In doing so, I found that time left us, took a vacation, and gave me more area to scope the area out and find what I so despereately needed to get. Time off!

In the months preceding my Spring Break, I found myself becoming ever more dismal and depressed at the thought of being in North Dakota even one day longer. The invasive and indifferent cold left me not only freezing my fingers and nose off, but with a mood to match that if I had. I was a monster, and all my friends were seeing it. Luckily Spring Break arrived nicely, albeit a little slowly, but it came none the less and couldn't have been more sweet.

Back home, I found the week went by so blissfully nice, and I was also able to reaffirm my statement that North Idaho is really the most beautiful and majestic area I've ever lived in. I was also able to reassess my love of writing, in noting everything I saw in beautiful poems and stories, most of which unfortunatly never saw the ink of paper and became once again stored back in my subconcious for reimagining later in my life.

So what did I do when Time took a Vacation? Enjoyed myself, met up with some friends, slept in for a few days ;), and otherwise found that most precious of necessities: peace and quiet and the enjoyment of being with friends.

Lt. MTabek Signing off for this month. See you cowboys (and gals) next time!
