Web Development Guild

Author: CL5 Wraith

Hey peeps!..I'm getting better on this article thing! Anyways, the Guilds are on the move again...we are slowly transfering everything and updating and fixing links and all those lovely fun things...same here at the web development level.

We had a bit of a staff change, so everyone give a big round of applause to CL5 Soran, the new Web Development Guild Assistant! Soran is going to be working on the updating of the website homepage...spicing it up a bit, it should be up and running in the near future.

On top of that the interview questions are going through a final washdown, and soon there will be completed bios of some of the best in web developers, both in and outside the outpost!

Know any good developers? Tell me! We need a large variety of people, and who better to decide who to interview then the members! Just send a mail with the outpost member or famous web guru to otf_webdevelopmentguild@hotmail.com and we'll get started!

Have fun! Play safe....and program hard!

CL5 Bounty Hunter Wraith
Web Development Guild Team Leader
