Stupifying Site Sightings

Author:CL7 LinDaX
Department:Development Team Leader/Engineering

I have something special for you this month! Yes yes ! Its all about peanuts this month! Well what do you expect, you didn't think i could write this article without the mention of peanuts. Did you? So it has been my pleasure to check out the thousends of peanut sites around the web and show you the best ones.

First Lets start off with some peanut facts and quotes to understand the Peanut state of mind.

Peanut facts:
- The peanut isn't a nut. It is a legume, a member of the pea family.
- Arachibutyrophobia is fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
- Peanut oil is used for underwater cooking in submarines. Undersea fleets like it because it does not smoke unless heated above 450° F / 232.2° C
- Federal regulations specify that 90 percent of peanut butter has to be peanuts.
- Peanuts are cholesterol free.
- Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- The nucleus of Halley's comet is a peanut-shaped object, weighing about 100,000 million tons, and measuring about 9 miles by 5 miles.
- Four billion pounds of milk and 375 million pounds of peanuts are used each year in candy making.

Peanut Quotes:
"I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts." -- Orson Welles
"No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut." -- Channing Pollock, American playwright and critic
"An average of two rodent hairs per one hundred grams of peanut butter is allowed." -- No. 20. FDA Government guidelines
"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space." -- Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Stupifying Site Sightings of this month:

1) Peanut Institute
Eat Well Eat peanuts! is the slogan of the Peanut Institute. Dedicated to expanding state-of-the-art knowledge regarding peanuts and peanut products. A special emphasis is placed on establishing sound science as the basis for food, nutrition, and health discussions about peanuts.

Can you imagine there are people even more found of peanutbutter then I am?
This web site is dedicated to all those who love peanut butter. Check out our favorite recipes or post your own in the recipe section, find out how peanuts are grown and made into peanut butter, or see how peanut butter stacks up nutritionally.

3) Peanut Butta Jelly!
Ooooh they used my favorite sound in a flahs movie... I think they should have used a peanut instead of banana though....

4) Cookie Mix in a Jar VII
This just looks Peanuttylicious!!

5) Peanut Game
How good are you at soccer? Well we can find out right now with the peanut version! Flick the peanuts in the goal and win!

Ok ok, i know this site isn't officially about the delecious little pea's but still a Peanut is a Peanut right? Read comics about Snoopy, Charlie Brown and friends!

7) Peanut EMINEM's
No wait I mean M&M's. Who doesn't like those delicious peanut candy's. Made of whole peanuts covered with milk chocolate inside a colorful sugar shell. They were originally all brown but really who'd eat boring candies, so they added a bunch of other colors.

8) Peanut Power
Are you in desperate need of a good science project then use Power Peanuts!

9) Peanut Game
I always save the best for last. I also urge you to be very carefull when checking this site out, it will consume all of your time, its so addictive you will forget to work, eat or sleep. So be warned!

Extra Peanuit sighting by a member!
Toothpaste for dinner
This link was given to me by our beloved Admiral who got his dossier image from there aswell. He send it to me because of the cute and funny pictures. It has drawings of just about anything ! Including of course Peanuts! Or in this case peanutbutter! Also note that you will have to save the image on your own server because the site doesn't allow linking anymore.

Well thats all for the special Peanut edition. But hey if you think i forgot some peanut sites send them in! Or other stupifying sites ofcourse!

