Spring is Sprung

Author: Kali
Department: OTF Marketing/ADMIN

I can't believe its' finally SPRING!

What a long and dismal winter here in the deep south of the USA. We have had 48" of rain since 1 November. I guess that means the 2 year drought is over, but it has been darn depressing. Of course, now everything is in bloom, the tulips are up, so are the violets and pansies and I eagerly await the first peonies from the plants I put in last year.

I had to put Spock the Cat to sleep in early January, but the forsythia bushes and lily of the valley I planted next to him in the back yard are beautiful and I still go out and say "good morning" to him. Silly, I know, but he was a darn good cat and I miss him.

I quit smoking - good for me! I gained 12 pounds - mleh! So, along with the garden and the job, I now have the diet. I am so glad I don't have to worry about mid-term exams! I don't have to think about term papers :). Of course, I do have to seriously consider the next phase of the Marketing Plan, but that is fun, not work. I do have to plan on what is going where in the garden, and how many kinds of tomatos I am going to plant (thank goodness Shaker lives 3 states away - according tohis mother, no tomato patch is safe if he is in the neighborhood :P). But that isn't the same hard work as it was last year.

Things change and things remain the same. Last year at this time, I sat on the back porch and waited for the lawn to get green. This year, I sit on the porch and wait for the same lawn to green up. Of course, now I have crabgrass *lol* Last year we were hard at work finishing up the Vision Plan, this year we are tweaking the goodies we built, and building and adding more enhancements.

We look forward, and we look back. We build on our accomplishments, and choose new goals to strive for. This time of the year, the creative juices get a kick start and the entire OTF community will benefit. And, as I watch the sun go up and down on my little corner of southwest Georgia, I can reflect on what was, is and will be. And I can honestly say that I am a very fortunate person to live where I live, that I have a job that I am good at, and that I have friends and family that are very special to me. And for fun, support, creative outlet and opportunity, and community, I have OTF. Am I lucky or what??
