Uncle Sam Outranks Admiral Maxwell

Author: CL6 Amanda Sielu Paris

Like most high students, I was scared to death and excited for graduation. But while my friends were all just talking about which college they were going to, I found myself looking in another direction. I was accepted to a college that apparently is pretty hard to get accepted in, but I just couldn't see myself as a college student. The United States Air Force seemed provide for me the stability I felt I needed and the honor that I had admired of my father in his uniformed days. But as I prepare Lt. Commander Jaro Warren to take over the Awards Team, my leaving doesn't just involve my boyfriend Andrew (Andrew Marczak, not Maxwell!), best friends, my family, and the state I've called home all my life.

I've been a member of Outpost10f since June 1999 and I've been proud of the accomplishments I've made. My first big move was when KittyKat emailed me of my acceptance to the Communications Department in December 2000. I started out as the Star Trek affiliate in the Awards Team, a position that Lt. Mave has taken over recently for the leaving of Kapeka. I took the Shuttlebay Editor, which Lt. T'Ale has now, and then KittyKat told us of her becoming our Department Head with Sym's leaving. I began the journey of bringing the Awards Team back to the front after I also added ISA to my OTF resume in June 2001. KittyKat helped get us a new website, we're a regular view on the Department Updates, and even got our corner of the Tribune. All this has happened since I took over September of 2001. When I first took over for KittyKat, my mission was to get the Awards Team rolling again and I think I've accomplished that. Jaro has his own mission despite all that we've accomplished in the last year and an half.

My original plan was to just on leave for both the Awards Team and my Assistant Manager position of the Communications Department, but my lack of want to do the Awards each month has shown me I need to move on to another project. After talking with KittyKat, I'll stay with Communications as the second AM, but go on temporary leave and leave the Awards Team in Jaro's capable hands.This is my last article as the Team Leader of the Awards Team and I know this article isn't the typical business of the Awards Team, but I wanted to show how far we've come. It was a journey I started out with only one member and now I have a thriving team that is respected among their OTF colleagues. I've been very fortunate with the people that have worked on my team. It's long hours and I don't feel they get enough recognition, but they've always come through. To the Awards Team; THANK YOU!

When I return Communications will no doubt be in some exciting changes and I look forward to my new assignment. I will return as an Air Force airman and many people have had questions as to what I'll be doing, so I'm going to tell you real quick! My official job title is Airborne Battle Management Systems Apprentice and I'll be on a flight crew. After boot camp, my training will take me to four different bases, and I'm not sure at what point I have my computer/internet on the base; however, don't fear that I will not return! The Awards Team will become a part of my past, but my future at the Outpost has just begun.
