Directively Prime

Author: CL5 Monny

Let's say you have this friend. This friend has never been in a cool chat room before. You happen to mention the Outpost and just how cool it is and everything. You really want this friend to check out the outpost. To enhance their first time experience, you would like them to see it through your eyes. Maybe they'll get hooked if the could use the bar or even the armory. Just for the hell of it you let this trusted friend use your password. It wouldn't hurt just this once, right?


According #3 of our beloved Prime Directives, it is expressly forbidden to share your command code with someone else. Well the actuall directive is worded differently but who really cares about that anyway. I think you get the point.
Your command code is like your habit of picking your nose and eating the boogers. Your NEVER tell anyone about that and you deny it even if they ask. Right? (I am in no way talking about myself or anyone I know :p)

That brings me to another point written in that directive thingy, that no one will ever ask you for your password. Those that already know about your bad habit don't need to ask you about it just like any authorized OTF official already has access to your command code if they need to assist you. So guard it like you would an embarrassing case of genital warts.
Another thing too is that if your friend is caught using your command code they'll be given more than a major wedgie as well. So keep yourself and your special friends safe by not sharing your geni…I mean command code.

When my mind floated to some bad habits or medical conditions that won't leave, I started to think of how some people just won't leave. That's my weak bridge into my next topic of discussion, which is harassment. (No, not her-ass-ment , you sickos!) It must be a big deal because it's sitting on our list of directives at #6.

Email harassment would be like that person who just will not leave you alone and keeps writing you emails more often than you receive spam despite numerous attempts to get them to stop. This gets very annoying and often disturbing and that is why it is not allowed. External harassment is not allowed for obvious reasons. Stalking, hacking and being an utter degenerate loser are against the law in many jurisdictions.
This is potentially the most serious of offenses, in my opinion and I will take this opportunity to again remind everyone to guard their personal information. Many of us seem very familiar while we are in the chats and often times it is because of "RL" relationships or long term online friendships. I hate to get all paranoid and stuff but you really have to be careful about whom you give even your real name out to.

* catches her breath * Wow! I got all serious there for a moment. Ok I'll try not to let that happen again next time.

"Take care of yourselves and each other." * plagiarizes from Jerry Springer's closing words*
