Officer Profile

Author: CL4 Kayana

This month Officer Profile has a special surprise just for you our adoring fans! Searching high and low we rounded up CL7 Kali and Cl6 Shaker to give you the most exclusive interview of the year: The Editor's Edition. We've got some nifty surprises for you in store as we ask Kali and Shaker the most extensive questions ever about the changing-over of Tribune's Editor's positon. So settle down, grab a cup of cocoa and enjoy!

We first managed to interview Kali as she was clearing out her Editor's desk in preparation for Shaker's coming-in...

Q) When did you first join tribune and how was it like?
Kali: I was always interested in the Tribune and probably 2 years ago when Sorsha was the editor, I contributed a few articles on the Outpost Library.

Q) When did you become editor? How did it come about? What're some of your earliest memories when you first took over the editor's post?
Kali: I became editor back in July, 2002 as the first phase of the Vision Plan was implemented and as Marketing Director, we needed to move forward with the re-do of the Tribune as it was, is and will continue to be a very important part of the marketing, advertising and PR of OTF both internally and on the 'net.

I was allowed to assume the Editor's position after a discussion with KK and Andrew regarding my ideas on how we could improve it, and how it would impact the community in the future. Also, I think I was probably the only one around at the time who had the time to spend on the project.

When I first assumed the position, the best memory is of the incredible help I received from KK and Tierce and Suzy. No way I could have accomplished what we have without a perfect team.

Q) How was the application for editor process like?
Kali: The application process had pretty much ground to a halt because the people that had responded to the original request just didn't have the right combination of time and skills. We had some people who had one or the other but not both. KK and Tom pretty much let me slog thru the paperwork till I came up with suggestions and ideas. Q)What were you looking for in the next Tribune editor?
Kali: Someone who had an excellent command of the English language, superb writing skills, a high level of technical expertise, experience running a "team" within the OTF structure and community on the department level, someone who was able to dedicate the time on and offline; someone who could motivate and lead the staff forward and who was also well liked and respected as a senior officer and contributing member of the OTF community.

Q) How long did the deciding take? What made you finally choose Shaker?
Kali: I chose him because he has been one of my favorite OTFers for almost 3 years, I know him, I know his work - he built the Star Wars sections of the Library. We talk IRL on the phone, we communicate well, I trust him and I know he won't let the team or the community down.

Q) How do you feel about stepping down and handing the reins over to Shaker?
Kali: It is difficult as I am not really a delegating kind of person but I know that Shaker and I will work well together and that as the Marketing Director, I will still be able to have my hand in when appropriate. I trust Shaker.

Q) Looking back what are the accomplishments you're proud of and could you share some of your favorite Tribune moments?
Kali: I'm proudest of the number of writers that we have in the community that we have sweet talked into contributing to the Tribune; the number of freelancers who started out with one little article and who are now regular contributors; and of the Publishing Team in COMM - they have done a heck of a great job and they have been super to work with.

My favorite edition is always the most recent one.

My favorite new feature is Gollum's Column - no one knows the true depth of Sonata's illness but he has certainly found the right alter ego *veg*. My favorite "old" feature is Xemxija's "Did you Know?" I have no idea where she gets this stuff, but when she went missing with a dead comp in Feb and Mar, I really missed her.

Q) How do you feel tribune has changed under your leadership?
Kali: I think we got ALL the departments to sign on to the value of keeping the members up to date on what was happening. At the beginning it was a bit difficult, but with the help and support of Adm. Maxwell and the members of the EC and Department Sr. managers, we have really produced a project we can all be proud of. And Kitty Kat is a true pleasure to work with.

Q)What do you forsee in the future for tribune and where would you personally like to see it go?
Kali: I'd like to see it grow, to provide more articles and information for the members, and to address issues and situations that are important to the ocmmunity as well as to entertain and educate them. I want the members to READ it. I think sometimes we spend too much time watching a monitor playing a game, or the television with a movie. I think we all need to read more.

Q) What are your plans for the future?
Kali: Who knows - whatever the Admirals have up their sleeves? The Library needs my attention, and there is a great big Marketing Plan out there that needs finishing and implementing. I know the Tribune will be a big part of that so we'll just have to wait and see.

Q)Any rememberence you'd like to share from the editor's desk, shoutouts to anyone, last parting words? :)
Kali: Last parting words? To Tom and Suzy and KK - Thank you for your help and support :)

To the rest of the staff - keep reading and writing, and to Shaker, Monny, Rubi and Kayana - Good Luck and have fun!

And thank you Kali for taking the time to sit down and talk to Officer Profile! Moving on we'd like to introduce CL6 Shaker who put aside some of his slave-driving err...motivational duties to talk to us....

Q)Before becoming editor what are some of the things you've done in OTF?
Shaker: I've served as a Division Leader, Team Leader, and Assistant Manager, all within the boundaries of the Entertainment Network. In addition, I served as a Technical Advisor for Counseling, Security officer for ST Security, and Project assistant in Communications. Some of the work that I've done within the Outpost can be visible, such as the Trivia Network which I re-did, while other things are more behind the scenes, such as administrative and technical work while serving in management of EN. Now, I step into the light as Tribune Editor, and hope to be just as successful and productive as before.

Q) When did you first hear that the editor position of tribune was open and what made you decide to apply?
Shaker: I heard of the open Editor position from Kali D'or during my time between departments. I had fairly recently stepped down from EN Management due to current overwhelming time constraints, and when I finally had all my affairs in order, I happened to get into a discussion with Kali about Marketing, Communications, and the Tribune. She informed me that she was looking to spend more time on the Library and getting Marketing fully on-track, and needed a person who could take the Tribune as it was, and "move it in the direction where it will do the most good for all of OTF". Needless to say I was rather flattered, and after pondering the entire situation, decided that it was something that I could not only handle, but hopefully make a positive difference within the community. I've always been someone who tries to do the most good that I can, and with this opportunity before me, it would almost be a sin to turn it down.

Q) What were your feelings when you found out that you were going to be the next editor?
Shaker: It was a cross between being very glad I could participate in such a role and being very apprehensive in regards to what it would require. I'm always up for new challenges, but that doesn't mean everything always goes as you plan. However, it seems that things are definately going to be doing well.

Q) What do you think of the Tribune?
Shaker: There's really not that much to be said about it. It's a project that has been needed, fulfilled, and by all accounts is one of those ideas that not only came to light but also made something of and for itself. I'm personally impressed with the whole thing, from how it works to the visual appeal that it brings, and I'm very honoured to have been chosen as the new Editor.

Q) What are your plans for Tribune?
Shaker: Currently, my plans for the Tribune are rather simple, and revolve around the philosophy of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" *L* Things are going well right now, although there is probably some things here and there than can be made easier and faster. Regardless, I intend to have close communication with the section chiefs and make sure that any problems which arrise are handled quickly. It's not just a matter of professionalism, its all about having fun, getting the job done, and being able to look back on it with pride.

Q) What would you like to see in tribune's future?
Shaker: I hope to see more people participating, not just in terms of editorials, but also new features. The more we have, the better, because with more topics and articles the more likely we are to have something someone likes. It's all a matter of appealing to what people want, and doing it again and again.

Q) How are you adjusting to being editor?
Shaker: Well, this first month has been a bit of one to give me the willies, simply because when you start out at something, you hope to do it the best you can. It is taking some time for me to adjust, simply because of all that is required for the job, but I'm learning quickly. Nothing really much to say about it.

Q) Any words of wisdom,shoutouts,thanks you'd like to say?
Shaker: As for words of wisdom, try you best and take every opportunity given to you. As a coach once told me, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

As for shout-outs or thanks, I just want to thank all the little people that I stepped on to get where I am.. oh, sorry.. wrong interview =P Seriously, I have to thank all those that I have worked with thus far at OTF. Without those people, it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun as it has been, and the accomplishments we have all made wouldn't have even come close.

And that wraps up another edition of Officer Profile! We hope you've enjoyed our special Editor's Edtion and we hope to see you again next month. Until May - ta-ta!
