Marketing Update

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: Director, OTF Marketing/ADMIN

I will confess - it has been a quiet month in the Marketing offices. Capt. Tierce is working hard on a brand new assignment and if you go to the News Section and look for the special feature on The Schematics, you will find out what he has been up to.

Having handed over the reins of the Tribune to Cmdr. Shaker 3 weeks ago, I have been sitting around reading books, eating chocolates, watching television and waiting for the azaleas to bloom in my back yard. I haven't really accomplished much this past month except taking a bit of a break (the first real one in almost 2 years) so I hope you will forgive me for a month of personal indulgence.

Of course, now I have to get back to work or the Admirals will become dreadfully cranky with me.

I am very pleased to say that I have gotten some interesting feedback from the illustrious Andrew on the Markeing Plan and I am axiously awaiting more info from the ever elusive Piraeus. We have gotten some very good ideas and will be moving forward with our Member Survey, the Tribune Postcard Mailing and some other surprises as well.

In addition, we will be working with the newly created Guilds department to bring all the new ideas and features to the members as they are unveiled. So, stay tuned, have a Hershey bar, go visit with a daffodil and relax for a bit - we'll be here, hard at work, when you get back from the garden.

Kali & Tierce
The Happy Marketers *lol*
