ISA Updates

Author: CL7 Deanna

“Who is Watching You?” By Captain Deanna

Q: Who are you?
A: I am Lt Comdr Char, recently known as Lt Comdr Ardara
Q: What would you say is a quote/phrase that best describes you?
A: erm... Song of Solomon 1:5 "I am Dark but I am Lovely" meaning I'm not perfect but boy am I gorgeous! *grins*
Q: When did you get selected to be among some of OTF’s finest, the ISA?
A: In February 2002... wow its been over a year already?!
Q: What would you say is your “preferred weapon” of choice? 1) Phasers 2)Light sabers 3)Clubs
A: erm... Phaser I guess, Light sabers rock though!
Q: What rank are you?
A: Lt Comdr….
Q: What exactly do you do for the safety of myself and of all the chatters?
A: I watch the chat room from the cam or while I'm chatting, If I see someone who is not behaving, or is just being annoying I step in and remind them of our wonderful PD's. If they do not listen and continue to cause trouble I show them the door. For the most part though people listen when warned!
Q: How many lamers have you shot in the last month (six months? A year? *l*)?
A: Um... very very few... Like I said there most people will listen when warned, I've learned how to be Diplomaticly Demanding. I demand they behave diplomaticly! I'd say to give a rough number... in the past 6 months maybe 5 lamers?
Q: Give me at least one shout out for your department, why would I want to join?
A: Because even though some of us are burly and mean looking *hides from Alder Hill ISA* we're actually fun loving sweet peeps who like to laugh most of all! And just cause we seem mean when a lamer is around, that’s only because we love OTF and want to keep it family safe so that it will continue for years to come!
Q: Help me end the rumors now…..does Pace really own a firing range, to personally teach all up and coming ISAers how to be a perfect shot?
A: Well I could tell you... but then I’d have to kill you...

Thanks for the interview, Lt. Commander Char/Ardara. Be back next month….to see Who Else is Watching You……..
Mwahahahahaha…… The ISA Mascot :)
