Internal Development Update

Author: CL8 Henri
Department:Internal Development

Hi folks! :)

Wow, another month has passed again... doesn't time fly? But then again, we at InDev are having a lot of fun, so I suppose it seems to go faster then, huh? Now, what have we been having fun with, I see you wonder? Well... This month, InDev has been proud to launch the Schematics. This is the last bit of what needed to be done about Outpost 10F v2. Yes, we had a little completion party with lots of bubbly and stuff.

The Schematics is a dynamic navigation tool for site content and contains links to community projects, pages, games, and of course, member's web accounts. Placing links to member's web accounts in the schematics ultimately provides a unique theme to our web accounts and works to highlight one's site alongside other Outpost 10F content. To purchase a web account, simply load the schematics interface, click on the personnel room you wish to rent, and then follow the instructions provided. You can find the Schematics at

Well, you think this would put us out of work, but alas... there's plenty more stuff to do. This month we have started two projects, one of which is highly classified. The other is the Department Offices project. Soon, all the departments will be having their own offices in which they can have their meetings. These offices are only to be used for meetings and are only accessible for members of the department. Work has started on this one and is progressing nicely.

Anyway, this is what's been going on in InDev lately. More on InDev next month, same paper, same time.


Henri (CL8)
Director of Internal Development
