Guild Update

Author: CL8 Zilette

Finding the Guilds in Chaos:

Well once again we are in a mess moving, changing, fixing links. repairing corrupted graphics etc. Shoveling this and that and the other from here to there. One has to wonder if you are making progress or a bigger mess. *g* Seems like this is an ongoing process we have done for years now. I don't spring clean my house this much. But orders are orders. The Admirals are tyrants you know this right?

So what is happening here at the Guilds you wonder? Well we are adding some new sections. There will be a Showcase sections on each of the Guilds for those not wanting to enter the contests but just wanting to show their work, there will be an Ikonboard link for each Guild, and we will be adding a Resource Center for each where we hope to display good information within that field and legitimate contests, grants, scholarships and other things that will assist our students. Down the line we will being organizing some chat events within each Guild and hoping to have exciting conversations and celebrities.

There are many internal changes as well. You will have noticed that many of our staff have headed for the hills or changed affiliation to other departments.

I promise you I have not beat them nor have I used a pain stick. The time comes with many when they simply need a change, when their lives can not deal with the stress of department work, when their real lives are filled with hectic events and for some their parents want them off the computer and on their grades. This is part of the Outpost Departments and every one of the departments goes through these turnovers from time to time. It is evidently our time. But they say new blood is often needed to revive and invent so we welcome that.

It is never fun to see staff go. The Senior Managers hate retraining people and although some may not realize it we do get very attached to our staff as they become a part of our department family. So I wonder how do we make this less severe? Well we have tried many things but I don't think there is a solution really. The grass always looks greener somewhere else. But work is work and do not fool yourselves the staff does have to work. You see to be in a department means you contribute, you have assignments and duties. and you must be consistent. Being in a department does not mean you just get to put a tagline in your name and that is it you go on vacation. NO! NO! It is taking pride in being in a department, loyal to their needs and caring that everything you do you would be willing to put your signature on it and let everyone know that you were responsibile and this is a matter of pride. You should have pride for yourself and your achievments, you team and working together and your department.

We have found that the young people like bouncing from this to that and trying new things, we can't fault them there. Only thing I advise as a Senior Manager is that while all that is well and good and may seem adventurous you can jump around so much you run out of departments to jump too. There is something to be said for consistency, loyalty and staying power. If you see that you have been in a section a long while or that it does not suit you and you are bored or tired of it, I suggest that you talk to your section leader, your team leader, your assistant managers or your senior manager. We are not unreasonable and we sure understand about boredom. We will not fault you for that. We would much rather make some adjustments in assignments than have someone leave. But guess what? We aren't mind readers either. Therefore, one must open their mouths and tell us your needs *s*

I was Counseling Liaison to ENT and ISA and I will tell you the biggest complaints were of boredom...not being used enough...or not feeling satisfied or appreciated. Well those are legitimate feelings and can be addressed but they can't be changed unless you are willing to tell your leaders what you feel. There are no stupid questions only people that do not ask them. So hey, cut us a break? We all have tons of jobs to do and get a good repoire with your leaders...keep in touch ...don't assume things unless you know for a fact and above all if you want something make yourself available and known. Talk to people!

So with that said, we will survive as that is the nature of the beast. We do hope there are new people out there to seek and those that will become a part of the new vision the Outpost has for herself. I know I will be looking for good biographers, reviewers and those that can be reliable and consistent with an assignment each month. I know you are out there somewhere. I will be watching.

Commodore Zilette aka Boss Dragon Z or Z
Outpost 10F Guilds
