Entertainment Network Update

Author: CL7 Dommy
Department:Entertainment Network

Another month has past already, they seem to go faster every time … . That must have something to do with nearing exams!!

Anyway, The last month was a real success for entertainment. Several good and fun trivia nights, simming reformed and getting ready to fire great simm’s ( both live , pbem as forum ones ) at you all and not to forget the sc competition ( which is slowly getting onto speed ).

Not to forget the fact that Entertainment will get a new forth team! The Holiday team from the old counseling has been transferred to us *here's a few cheers*. Indeed, that’s gonna be fun! This new team will bring you special holiday live chat events and information regarding those various holiday’s. Stay tuned for more news from this “brand new” team!

Also let me use this medium ( the tribune ) to inform you all that entertainment is currently OPEN for applications. The application’s mail form can be found at: http://otfen.outpost10f.com/apply.php. So any of you who is interested can apply. This for all FOUR team’s ( trivia, simming , gaming and holiday’s ), just note that for holiday your main skill’s must be at least basic html knowledge, research skill’s and spelling is a nice extra.

For any info/comments regarding entertainment alway's feel free to contact the managers at managers@otfen.outpost10f.com.

CL7 Dommy
Senior Manager
Entertainment Network
