Engineering Update

Author: CL5 Eagle

For a couple weeks now, I have been mulling over what to put in the Engineering department's update for this month's Tribune. All has been going wonderfully for the department, so there's not all that much to bring the members up to date on. Since taking over for Logan as Assistant Manager when he took charge of the department back in November, I have spent quite a bit of time working with all of the members in Engineering, and no matter how much time I spend with them, they never cease to amaze me. We have within our ranks some great designers and programmers!

Several exciting proposals are currently in the works, and our Engineering are hard at work to bring the most up to date pages, designs, and projects to the Outpost. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Seniors' Playground, which showcases a wonderful collection of avatars and smileys, as well as an html puppet generator. There are plans to release sometime in the near future an even greater collection of images, sounds, movies, skins, and many more goodies in a project known as Media Downloads. Also, the department currently has in the works a project to help new programmers grasp the basic concepts of web-based languages, while providing a great reference source to seasoned designers. This project, known as the Workshops, will be accompanied by live in-chat sessions to provide help and instruction for all who are interested. Look for these, as well as many other great things in the months to come.

That's all the news from Engineering, have a great month. Spring is here at last, enjoy!

Lt Cmdr Eagle
Assistant Manager
Engineering Department
