Dwarven Intelligence - Part 1

Author: CL4 Hampus

Dwarven Intelligence

The usually so-nice little hobbit hole was in a mess. Our two heroic dwarves, Sîl'bûrk and Gra'skâgg, wondered what might have happened. Their friend Mr. Fel, the owner of the hole, was nowhere in sight. Everything was upside down and there was food thrown around in the dining room.

-"What might have happened to that little adorable being", asked Sîl'bûrk.
-"Hrmpff...", replied the older dwarf.

They made an extraordinary couple. Sîl'bûrk had a long bright pink beard, and loved to wear just about anything (as long as it was pink). Gra'skâgg on the other side was older with grey stripes in his normally almost black beard. He wore grey clothes and carried around a bagpipe wherever he went. They were both a bit confused at the moment, which of course was understandable.

-"What shall we do", Sîl'bûrk's voice raised in falsett.
-"Ask the neighbors", Gra'skâgg was surprised over the fact that he had come up with such a bright idea. It didn't happen very often nowadays.

So, they wandered over to Mr. Fel's neighbor, a little hobbit called Mr. Ratt. He told them that he had heard screams and noises from next door. He had went over to see what was happening and found the house empty. There had been a note pinned to the front door.

-"A note", asked Gra'skâgg with raised eye brows. Of course you couldn't see he had raised eye brows, but never-the-less he had.
-"Yes, yes, a note, I'm telling you", said Mr. Ratt. He ran away into his hole and came back with a small note.

Gra'skâgg and his dwarven friend took it and read. This is what the note said:

"Mr. Fel is now in our custody, Best Regards, Rauk, Bauta and Bertha Orc at the old oak."

The two dwarves looked at each other. Their dear friend and band member taken by orcs. That couldn't be happening. They had their first gig in two weeks.

-"What shall we do, what shall we do". Sîl'bûrk ran around and around becoming more and more red in his face until he tripped and fell. He lay breathing with a high frequent noise until he suddenly fainted.
-"Oh no, not again". Gra'skâgg thwapped his fellow over the face. "Hey, wake up". Sîl'bûrk looked up at him.
-"But what shall we do, we can't find another drum player before our gig".

Our two heroic hero dwarves sat and pouted for a rather long time, looking sadly into the darkness.

-"I know", said the younger one suddenly.
-"Hmpff", replied Gra'skâgg.
-"We play the drums ourselves. Of course you would have to do it. I can't stand the noise".

Gra'skâgg grumbled and looked rather hurt.

-"But what else could we do".
-"We could rescue him".
-"Rescue him...", Sîl'bûrk was shocked. "Eh, and how should we do that".
-"It'll work out just fine".
-"If you say so", he wasn't so glad about this turn in the conversation. Sîl'bûrk really didn't like violence. He preferred flowers and lots of pink dresses.

Once they decided to rescue Mr. Fel, they started to prepare for the trip. They already knew where he was held captive. Unless the orcs had lied about where they lived. But who would lie about that?

To Be Continued...
