Did you know?

Author: CL4 Xemxija
Department: Publishing/COMM

Did you know that...

...that kitty litter was first marketed as nesting material for chickens?

A man named Ed Lowe gave the name kitty litter to a product that was manufactured by a company his family had. The product was made out of dried clay as it was first intended to be used in industries. Ed Lowe attempted to market the kitty litter to chicken farmers as nesting material but failed.

At the same time a woman named Kay Draper was looking for sand as the pile she usually took her sand from had frozen during the winter. She tried to use ashes instead but it proved to be too messy, she also gave sawdust a go but even that didn't work as well as the sand. In search of sand she went to the Lowe factory where she met Ed Lowe.

Ed convinced her to try the chicken nesting material and told her it would be a better absorbant of cat waste than sand. Kay tried it and loved it! She told all her friends about it and came back for more. Ed then took the initiative and packaged the dried clay in bags, hoping to sell them. To his disappointment, no one would buy it so he gave it away to a local pet shop. The customers in that shop loved it and were willing to pay for it. Ed then took his clay and sold it on to other pet shops and the sales boomed. A private investment group called Golden Cat gave Ed an offer he couldn't turn down and after that Ed retired, Ed dies in 1995, leaving behind a legacy of cat litter that domiates the market at 55% and a n industry of cat foods, toys and other things for cat lovers!

And here are some other more or less useless facts!

Did you know that...

...besides Star Trek, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, James Doohan, George Takei have all appeared at one time or another on The Twilight Zone.
...more people use blue toothbrushes than red ones.
...in the episode "Caretaker" Tuvok has the pips of a lt.commander.
...about 65% of OTF members prefer coffee from tea.
...the Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries.
...in star trek III The 60 second destruct sequence took 1 minute 40 seconds.
...a hummingbird's heart beats 1,260 times per minute.
...in star wars: episode II when Boba points at Obi Wan and says "Dad Look" his hair is soaking wet.In the next shot of him in the ship his hair is dry.
...38% of American companies say they monitor their employee's e-mail.
...in the first star wars film when we see the cantina for the first time the doorway is in total shadow, the next second the sunlight is shining straight into it when Luke, Ben, and the droids walk in.
...in the 1800's anyone in England who unsucessfully attempted suicide faced the death penalty.
...roughly 9% of the OTF members are seniors.
...the average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
...Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation.
