
Author: CL4 three27
Department:Communications, Tribune Team

For the month of March, Stormi-Con took place in St. Louis, Missouri. It was a Fantasy/Sci-Fi/LARP(Live Action Roleplaying) convention. Just a few of the guests there were M.R. Sellars, Phil Morrissey, Jason Carter, and Richard Biggs.

Then, a 25th celebration of Blake's 7 took place in Bedford, England. Guests were Steven Pacey, Paul Darrow, Scott Fredericks, Sally Knyvette, Jan Chappell, and Jacqueline Pearce Next Steven Pacey, Paul Darrow, Scott Fredericks, Sally Knyvette, Jan Chappell, and Jacqueline Pearce.

Next was Galacticon 2003 was held in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This sci-fi/fantasy convention had the following guests: Pauline Griffin, author of Star Commandos; Patrick Kilpatrick who was on Angel, X-Files, ST: Voy & DS9, and Babylon 5; and Michael Martinez.

London's Chillerfest, a horror and sci-fi con, had a great many guests with just a few of them being James Doohan, ST: TOS; Patrick Kilpatrick, Angel, X-Files, ST: Voy & DS9, and Babylon 5; Brad Dourif, Wormtongue, The Two Towers; Robert Picardo, The Docter; and Robert Llewellyn, Kryten of Red Dwarf.

Also in London was the Sci-Fi convention Starfury: Ascendant happened. The guests here were Dina Meyer, Starship Troopers, Dragonheart; Johnny Mnemonic; Laura Bertram, Trance Gemini of Andromeda; Anthony Simcoe, the Luxan warrior Dargo of Farscape; and Marc Singer, Dar of The Beastmaster and Mike Donovan of V.

For the very first of April (the 8th and earlier) Odyssey Con 2003 in Madison, Wisconsin occured. With guests being Harry Turtledove, author of Guns of the South, and the Videssos series; Catherine Asaro author of The Saga of the Skolian Empire series, and Moon Shadow; Joan D. Vinge author of Snow Queen and Summer Queen; and Jim Frenkel editor for Tor Books, and editing for both Vernor Vinge and Terry Goodkind.

Also in London was a Dr. Who Convention with the following guests: Wendy Padbury, Janet Fielding, and Terrance Dicks ensued in Sydney, Australia. Finally Creation Entertainment saluted Star Trek and Sci-Fi in Portland, Oregon. They had Michael Dorn, Worf; Wayne Pygram, Farscape's Scorpius; Virginia Hey, Farscape's Zhaan; Alexander Siddig, Dr. Bashir of DS9 as guests.

Upcoming conventions in the next month are a Slanted Fedora con, An Evening With Lisa Ryder (Beka Valentine), JediCon 8, GenCon Europe, Seacon '03, Imperial Quartermaster, JerseyDevilCon 3, Cleveland Buffy Vulkon, the Elf Fantasy Fair, and The Hellmouth.

Slanted Fedora
This convention will take place on the 11 - 13 in Kansas City, Kansas. Being a Star Trek convention Ethan Philips, Voyager's Neelix; Robert Picardo, The Docter of Voyager; Armin Shimerman, DS9's Quark; Jerry Doyle, Michael Garibaldi of Babylon 5; and JG Herzler, Martok of DS9 will be just a few of the many guests that will be attending this convention.

An Evening With Lisa Ryder (Beka Valentine) Wolf Events are the ones organizing meeting with Lisa Ryder, Beka Valentine of the Andromeda T.V. series. This even is going to be in London on the 12.

JediCon 8
A Star Wars convention in Basildon, Essex, Uk on 13, this event will have a great many Star Wars guests, and as well a Star Trek guest, Marina Sirtis, Cunselor Troy of TNG, attending it. A few of these are Hassani Shapi, Eeth Koth; Tim Dry, Whipid; Gerald Home, the Quarren of Jabba's Palace; Sean Crawford, Yak Face in RotJ; Dermot Crowly, Crix Madine; Jeremy Bulloch, Boba Fett of ESB and RotJ; and Christ Parsons, 4-Lom, K3PO, Black Deathstar Droid.

GenCon Europe
A gaming convention also in London, GenCon Europe is taking place from the 18 - 21. Here are only a few of the many guests that are scheduled to be there, Jonathon Tweet, developer for Magic: The Gathering, Runeuest, Netrunner, and Cyberpunk; Rick Loomis, president of the Game Manufacturers Association, and Margaret Weis, part of the DRAGONLANCE CHRONICLES team.

Seacon '03
The 54th UK National Sci-Fi Convention, Seacon '03, will be held in London from the 18 - 21. The guests are Chris Baker, artist that helped on the movies A.I. and The Time Machine; Christopher Evans, author of Capella’s Golden Eyes, Aztec Century and Mortal Remains; and Mary Gentle, author of Lost Burgundy.

Imperial Quartermaster
The Imperial Quartermaster event is going to be on the 19 & 20 in Greensboro, North Carolina. If your a Star Wars fan and in that area don't miss this even. You could meet Jeremy Bulloch, Boba Fett; Mike Quinn, Nien Nunb; Mike Edmonds, Logray the Ewok; Shannon McRandle, Mara Jade; Amy Allen, Aayla Secura; Aaron Allston, author of books in the Star Wars: X-Wing and NJO series; Eric Walker, Mace of the Ewok Adventures; Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca; Micheal Sheard, Admiral Ozzel; and Michonne Bourriague, Aurra Sing.

JerseyDevilCon 3
This Sci-fi, Fantasy, Gaming, & Comics con, taking place from the 25 - 27, held in Edison, New Jersey will have a horde of guests. Harry Harrison, Brian Lumley, Joe De Vito, Bob Skir, Clifford Pickover, Holly Black, Theoder Black, Marilyn Mattie Brahen, Edward Carmien, Tony DiGerolamo, J.R. Dunn, Bob Eggleton, John Grant (Paul Barnett), Walter Hunt, Jael, Andre Lieven, Joe McCabe, Jeff Menges, William O'Connor, The Patient Creatures, Tee Morris, Lynn Perkins, John R. Platt, Marianne Plumridge, Roberta Rogow, Tony Ruggiero, Mary SanGiovanni, Darrell Schweitzer, and Pamela D. Scoville, Vera VanGuard.

Cleveland Buffy Vulkon
This Buffy Con is happening in Cleveland from the 25 - 27. The guests here are going to be James Marsters, Andy Hallett, James C. Leary, Robin Atkin, James C. Leary, and Robin Atkin Downes.

Elf Fantasy Fair
If you like Fantasy, don't miss this event. It will be in Haarzuilens, Netherlands on the 26 & 27. Bruce Hopkind, Gamling of the LotR-films; Robin Hobb author of The Tawny Man Trilogy; and Alex Lewis, a Tolkien expert, and author of The Uncharted Realms of Tolkien are just a few of the many many guests that will be attending.

The Hellmouth
Finally we have The Hellmouth, a Buffy convention, in Belfast, North Ireland. It will be on the 27 and the two guests that will be there are Juliet Landau, Drusilla and Clare Kramer, the Hell God.

That wraps this article up. For the websites of upcoming conventions visit the OTF convention page at And if you know of any convention that we don't have listed on the OTF page let me know, and i'll be sure to add it Also if you've been to any convention (sci-fi, fantasy), let me know and I'll see what i can do to add a quote of yours into this article.
