Communications Update

Author: CL5 Robert Griffith

Communications has had a big, big month. With the sad closure of the Counseling Department as the Outpost continues to shuffle around its projects to maximize efficiency, Communications has taken on the responsibility of several new projects, including the 'Good Thingz', 'Bar Guide', 'Snoop Sisters', and 'Dear Counselor' to the Publishing Team of Communications, and the 'Birthdays', 'E-Cards', and 'Flower Shoppe' to Communications with the last two as frozen projects for the time being. With the influx of projects, Communications is currently seeking new members. Submit your application here if you are interested.
Some more now on those new additions to Communications. The 'Bar Guide' is going to be incorporated into the 'Intergalactic Cafe', 'Dear Counseling', a feature that I have contributed to, will change over to 'Gollum's Column', while the rest of the features I mentioned above will basically be staying the same.

This month's issue of the Tribune is poignant because it is the first issue under the leadership of CL6 Shaker. So far he's done a superb job leading us in the same direction our former editor, Kali D'or, did but with a few tweaks of his own. I personally look forward to what he has in store for us in the future, especially since the Tribune now controls the 'Good Thingz', 'Bar Guide', 'Snoop Sisters', and 'Dear Counseling' features from Counseling.

The Yearbook is coming along nicely, with a myriad of ideas floating around for both design and feature ideas. On March 22nd, the Yearbook Poll came out with its yearly questions for members to answer, all courtesy of yours truly. We'll have its release to look forward to in late August with a whole bunch of really fun features and possibly some surprises. You'll just have to wait and see! In the meantime, if you have any ideas, feel free to send them to

Well, let's see. What else is there to update? The Event Calendar was recently updated, so you can go check that out. The Gossip Boards are continually being updated to reflect changes in the gossip around the world about some of our favorite television series and movies. The OTF Awards will, this month, be commanded by CL4 Jaro Warren, who is taking over for CL6 Amanda Sielu Paris, currently in training in the United States Air Force. The Shuttlebay is continuing to go through refinement until it can be released again, updated and with an entirely new look and feel. The Suggestion Box is doing a booming business I hear, and is ready for whatever you have to offer. Last but not least, the Unions Site is looking for new pictures from unions old and new to post on its ever-growing website.

That's about it for this month. I think I covered everything! Until next month then! Wait! Stop right there, folks. I would like to personally wish CL6 Amanda Sielu Paris a safe next couple of months while she is training to become a member of the United States Air Force. Our thoughts, prayers, and good wishes are with her for a promising and happy life ahead.

CL5 Robert Griffith
