Book of the Month

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: The Outpost Library

This month, we are not going to feature a book. Instead, lets talk about the Library. Actually, I will talk about the Library and I hope you will listen and then go read a book.

Now that the changes are being implemented with the creation of the Guilds as a free- standing department, the Outpost Library is scheduled for some changes. We will be creating a central repository of book reviews, film reviews and even reviews of your favorite music in one simple to navigate location. We will also be creating a reference and resources section where any member will be able to look for information about the people and works of art, poetry, writing, music, etc that are featured within the structure of the Guilds.

Another thing that is going to happen, and one that I am particularly excited about is the creation of a database and template system to make the submitting and writing of reviews really easy for everyone. No only will this process help standardize the process, but we are also thinking about how what our members do can be integrated into their personal profiles/dossiers.

I am very lucky to have M'Tabek as the Project Leader for the Writers Guild and I am really looking forward to working with him in the future on special events in the chat rooms, in discussions on the ikonboards and as a sounding board to bounce ideas off of as we move forward. Of course the Boss Dragon and I have been fussing with the Library together for 2 and a half years so we all can rest assured that her steady hand will be there to keep me in line and on the straight and narrow (or else she does cut off my chocolate supply).

We are not going to turn the Library off - we will keep it up and running and work behind the scenes to bring you a really drop dead fabulous new project that is gonna blow your socks off. In the meantime, I will be updating the sections, begging and groveling in the chats for more new reviews and working with our secret technical and graphical guru's to bring this project up to speed.

So, stay tuned, read a book and write a review. The Library is open for business :)

Oh wait - you are a newbie - don't know where it is or what is in it??? go here , put up your feet, sit back and enjoy what our members have to say. Just in case you wondered, we are over 450 bnook reviews and still counting.

CL7 Kali D'or
The Outpost Library
