Alder Hill Updates

Author: CL5 Logar
Department:Alder Hill Sector Command

Dear fellow citizens of Alder Hill,

while the month of March was all in all quiet and civilized in town (except for the obligatory call for the troll bouncers after a few travellers drank more at Radelia's Inn than they should), you'd be surprised if I told you what was going on here in the town hall.

I know that after the Mayor announced last month the iğavian and melskháur ambassadors would tell you about their home lands, a lot of you expected eagerly what they would say. But alas, luck was not on our side.

It all began when Şoslarna Máuhbat, the melskháur ambassador, cancelled the interview I liked her to do, and only after a long and exhausting talk to her I was able to persuade her to write down some scrolls on her home land instead. But when she did so, I figured out she had been writing it in melskháur runes. Let's just say, they have a quite rough language, and it took me more time than I expected to translate the scrolls.

Finally, when I had almost finished it, a horde of Ifrin I've never seen before ran into my office and suddenly all of the capital letters and most of the small ones I've written decided to leave the scrolls and dance around my table.

I don't know where those Ifrin came from, or how they did what they did to my scrolls, but I'm quite sure the Mayor will give an announcement within the next two weeks concerning Ifrin and, hopefully, their behaviour (or lack thereof).

After the Ifrin left my office, the letters stopped dancing and I was able to collect them. The next few days were full of reconstructing ambassador Máuhbat's scroll, and finally I succeeded --- although there are still a couple of letters I don't have any idea where to put...

Nevertheless, you can take a look at this letter in the town hall, and soon you'll find there the Mayor's announcement concerning Ifrin as well!

A quite exhausted Town Scribe,

Lorgar ş
Fantasy Deputy Sector Commander
