2002 Yearbook

Author: Lt. Cmdr. Zahra
Department: Yearbook 2002 Co-ordinator

When I took on the role as coordinator of the 2002 Yearbook, I knew it was going to be a big job, especially in this, our 5th year! We all know just how much can happen in the space of 12 months, and this year has certainly been no exception. With the much anticipated Vision of the Future being implemented across the Outpost, 2002 has been a year of change. The yearbook team has worked hard to reflect these changes in this year's installment of the yearbook.

So, who is the yearbook team? As far as the official team goes, Shyva and I are the only acting members, having lost Marnie to a Team Leader position and Max to health problems. We do, however, have a few honorary members who are always willing to contribute ideas and help out where needed. This year we have also enlisted the expertise from the wider Outpost community, and so the yearbook really has been a joint effort! It is always difficult to thank people for their contributions, because you run the risk of leaving somebody out, but there are a few people who deserve special mentions.

Firstly, Shyva has been an invaluable member of my team and took responsibility for the interviews right from the start. The web design used for the interview pages was Shyva's and she was also responsible for wading through all your interview submissions and inputting the selected ones into the template. As the interviews form a major part of the yearbook, Shyva's contribution has been greatly appreciated.

Secondly, Scully came into the team very late in the scene as our liasion engineer. Since that time, she has absolutely blown me away not only with her fantastic web design but the speed in which she was able to complete the tasks I assigned to her. I have absolutely no doubt that this yearbook would not exist without Scully's contribution, and so I thank her enormously.

Thirdly, my other contributors. Thank you to KittyKat, our esteemed Senior Manager, for her constant support and for whipping up the interview form at very short notice! Thanks to Lzrman for his work on the unions page and the initial design for the departmental report pages. Thank you to Monny for her work on the monthly award winners page, and thank you to SuzyQ for her work on the anniversary pages. Thank you to those members of the Executive Council who were able to create their own report pages, and thank you to everyone who contributed material, be it Executive Council reports, Departmental reports or interviews. Without the support of the community, the yearbook couldn't go ahead, so thanks to all those concerned.

I had enormous fun, despite a few panic-ridden moments, working on the yearbook this year. As you flick through it, make a note of any suggestions you might have, and remember to smile as you look back on the year that was!

The 2002 Outpost 10F yearbook is now open for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
