The Writer's Guild: The Writer's Frontier

Author: Lt. jg M'Tabek
Department: Writers Guild Project Leader

When first approached to write an entry for the upcoming Tribune (Which you are reading as of now *s*) I was jumping halfway across the room to be even asked to do something like this. Then the hesitation came to me. I realized that I am writing this article for every single person in OTF to read, and that I am essentially the ambassador, lets say salesman, for the Writer's Guild. So I started writing a short bit along those lines until I realized I didn't have to do a thing. All I need to do is tell you what we offer, and let the information do all the explaining for me.

Now that I have finally caught your attention (I'm hoping no one is yet bored) I can begin what this is really to be about. *G* As a newly appointed Project Leader for the Writer's Guild, I thought to begin by telling you all what we do. Its simple. We don't write everything you guys read on our site. We function only by your input. You send us your story, and all we do is basic editing for spelling, just like this little article is going to go through. From there, we put it right up on the site for everyone to read. Having already supplied a piece of work myself, I believe I can say with confidence how cool it is to have something you wrote, literally something you have lived with (in my case for over 3 years running), finally up on a screen for anyone to read. Its a really cool feeling, and I hope that all of you, be you a beginner or expert writer, send in your stuff for the rest of the community to read :)

Now one question I know is on most people's mind is what do we accept? Only Science Fiction? No, not at all. We accept everything (as long as its clean *s*) from Science Fiction/Fantasy, to Comics and Anime! The choices are endless. Whatever you guys write is what we publish!

Still, that is not all we do. Lets say you have a project to do. You need a source. Well we have been able to provide many valuable biographies of a multitude of writers. Even if you don't have a project, you can still browse through our writers and see who is out there, and how you too can be a part of their world.

As a whole, the Writers Guild is one of those places that thrive on the community. Without your support we would wither. Still, we are also a place in which we hope we can help you find inspiration in what so many love to do...taking the rest of us to worlds only dreamed of.

Writers Guild
