Ask Mr. Wizard

Author: Capt. Tierce
Department: Asst. Director, OTF Marketing

As we move forward with the completion of the "Vision for the Future" plan, the final phase of v2, and all the great new tricks and toys designed to make Outpost10F bigger/better/faster, the staff at the OTF Tribune felt it would only be fitting to have somewhere our readers can come to and ask the technical questions, We hope that when you "get stuck" with a topic regarding hardware, software, internet and "how do I do that???" you will Ask Mr. Wizard.

There is an incredible amount of information regarding technical help available on the internet, as well as from our ENG and InDev Staff members.However when you need it written so that even new "surfers" and page builders can understand and execute the instructions most,you can't find the help you need. Know the feeling? Guess what - I understand! I have "been there-done that", and I am here to help.

In this small column of mine I would like to do my part to help Outpost10F members with their questions, problems, errors, etc. So if you are stuck, please feel free to drop me an email and I'll answer as many of them right here as space allows, or send an email directly back to you.

The advantage of sharing your questions and my answers here in the OTF Tribune is two-fold: first, other members will see how small mistakes and little bits of missing information can impact what you are trying to accomplish, and then: everyone can benefit from the answers, By sharing what we do and don't know, everyone learns something new!

I will also bring you new tidbits of technical information each month - something I just learned, something another member had brought to my attention, a new trick of the trade! So stay tuned - Lots of good stuff coming!
