Awarding Greatness

Author: Lt. Cmdr. Amanda Sielu Paris
Department: Communications, Awards Team

Whether you prefer a phaser, lightsaber, or another choice of weapon from the science fiction world, the Awards Team from the Communications Department was designed especially for you. It is a service to our members and future members who might happen upon our sci-fi community. While achieving that goal, we also have a duty for relations with outside websites. What is a better way to make a friend then rewarding them for hard work such as a website that they are obviously dedicated to? Let me break down some of the winners from the month of August and explain why the Awards Team felt these were considered to be Outpost10f's Best Of The Month!

OTF Members is a special Awards category dedicated to exactly who it says. YOU! This category is provided by the pure talents of our members and we're always looking for more! This month, we found some members were also part of a group called "The Rebel Legion". In most cases, rebels are the bad guys, but we know that in the Star Wars galaxy this isn't so. This is also true with this group. Anyone with a "good guy" costume can be a part of this group too.

Nina Janeway has a very impressive Star Trek: Voyager website that she is currently expanding, but we couldn't wait that long to tell her what a great job she has done. Take a moment to read her reviews and look over the crewmember biographies. There will be more to come and be sure of that. Pheebs has squeezed her way into third spot for the month of August with her personal website called "Bites Of A Modern Heart".

All those "Enterprise" fans will love the top winner for the Star Trek category. Make a stop at Enterprise's mess hall of the website with the same name. It is jam-packed full of info and about anything else that has to do with "Enterprise". "Captain's Enterprise" and "E-NX01" rounded out the top three for Star Trek this month. Spreading out into the sci-fi realm with this wide-open category, "Men In Black Central" deserves the first place award it won. Learn about the first and second movie of this hilarious pairing. If you go here, we just ask that you watch little sticks that flash. Nexus 6 takes care of your icon needs in the second spot and Xavier Institute brings the mutants of X-Men to your attention in third spot.

The most important part of the Awards Team is not only give you the HTML talents of OTF members, but also expand knowledge of OTF through these Awards. This is such a case for our August Site Of The Month award. Although each award is very well earned and important, this is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You may notice that I missed the Star Was category above in the winners.

Yes, we have a Star Wars category, but that winner is also our Site Of The Month called "Galactic Voyage". Take a voyage through Star Wars with this extensive website with news, movies info, character bios, and much more! I emailed this particular person with the great news of their website winning both the Site Of The Month and the Star Wars category and was shocked when I found out that this person had never heard of Outpost10f. They were very impressed and gladly accepted the awards. Just another reminder of how important it is getting the word of Outpost10f out however we can. The Star Wars tradition was continued with "The Naboo Spaceport" and "The Padawan's Guide".

The Awards Team would like to thank everyone that has submitted a website in the past and hope that we'll see some more submitted this month! We do this out of love for science fiction and know that you share that same love or you wouldn't be here at Outpost10f. Your participation is important. As you can see from our Site Of The Month winner not knowing of Outpost10f before their site was awarded, we still have a long way to go before everyone knows about us. If you come across a sci-fi website that you really enjoy, submit it, and watch for the next month's awards for the possible winner to be the one you sent in.

The Award Team only awards greatness and there's plenty out there still undiscovered.

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