Ten Forward Chat Updates

Author: Captain Babel
Department: Administrations

Greetings from Ten Forward:


I've been asked to write this column for you and like most occasions when you have to say something or write something down, it's hard to think of anything even remotely interesting! You know the feeling, there's a letter you've been meaning to write to that friend for ages; you walk home, head bursting with things to tell them and then you sit down, pen in hand, and . . . nothing!

However, luckily (or unluckily, perhaps?) for you, writer's block hasn't struck me down. I have a lot to talk about! We've seen a lot of changes in the Outpost recently and Ten forward has had it's biggest revamp to date. The Affiliations is something we've been wanting to bring in for a good while now. The plan originated back when TeeKay was still the TF Sector Commander. We received approval for the plan as long ago as last year, and after a lot of thinking, experimenting and tinkering about, you have the Affiliations as you see them. It'd be nice to see what you think of them, feel free to send in your mails!

We're always thinking of ways to improve the chatting experience, both OTF-wide and inside TF. Again, feedback is vital. I'm hopeful the suggestion box will be used increasingly. Admittedly, most of the suggestions probably won't be acted upon (though they are all carefully considered) but some ideas we've received have already been used. I'm really keen on the members, ie you, having a say in things and being able to express your ideas. The more the better!

As I write this we are heading towards the Anniversary which is always a great time for us all. I think this year we have a lot to celebrate as OTF enters a new era in its existance. The Outpost is five years old, which I think is a hell of an achievement for an Internet site, let alone a chat site. But then . . . we all know OTF is far more than just another chat site . . . .

Thanks for reading and take care!

Captain Babel
Ten Forward Sector Commander
