Snoop Sisters

Author: Commodore Zilette
Department: Counseling

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.............Oops! wrong story line.

Not too long ago, a rather inquisitive human female with a really strange hairdo showed up at Outpost10F asking alot of questions about the members. Since, at the time, we had no cash to spend, and very few assets to throw around hiring an investigative reporter, someone (no one will take credit for this) sweet talked BaBa WaWa into spending the past 3 years with us interviewing our members. Did we pay her? Who knows.

A little over a year ago, BaBa brought one of her galactic buddies and fellow gossip queens, Sy Snootles, on board to chat up the members in the CCC. Sy works for minimal credits, but does appreciate the occasional free drink at the bar after a song. And she has developed a major crush on Han Solo, for what reason is anyone's guess.

Now, BaBa has decided to move on to greener and more lucrative pastures. But before she left, she found the perfect person to take over - to fill those red high heels! None other than the biggest talker in the entire Star Trek Universe, Lwaxana Troi! Ten Forward will never be the same, and neither will any of her targeted members.

So , without further ado, we introduce the Snoop Sisters. Long may they reign as the ultimate Goddesses of conversation and chit-chat! Click here for the snoop sistsers
