The Poetry Guild

Author: Lt. Cmdr. Leeta
Department: Poetry Guild Project Leader

The Poety Guild has, to date, been the most active of the Guilds since the Academy of the Guilds were unveiled in 1998. Who said chivalry is dead? Not us, that's for sure and our poets write as they have in all times, from the heart.

As with the other Guilds, The Counseling Department and the Academy of the Guilds hosts a Poetry contest each month. Some months, there is a theme, and some months, the category is open to all thoughts and ideas. Our members submit their original poetry each month and as with the other Guilds, a winner and runners' up are selected.

We have been amazed at the great response from the membership and the talent here in our community. The poets vent their frustrations, describe their undying love, and show their ultimate raw emotions in their poetry. For each poem submitted to the Aritsts' Guild, our staff pursued the hunt for just the right piece of art to enhance the poem itself. We give very personalized care to our poets.

The OTF Poetry Guild also does biographies on web poets, famous poets and classic poetry. Submit your own poems and have a chance at winning the monthly award! Maybe be our next Poet of the Year?

The featured Poet for September is Adam Gibbs. THe theme for submissions for this months' competition is "September 11."

Poetry Guild
