NOT your home planet

Author: Lt. Robert Griffith and Lt. Cmdr. Zulin Jinn
Department: Communications

Time for a vacation? Want to get away fromit all? Here are 2 choices from our intrepid Travel Editors, Robert and Zulin!

Betazed: from Robert

Location: United Federation of Planets
Terrain: Great expanses of lush green forests, similar to that of Earth.
Native Species: Betazoids and a myriad of subspecies.
Language: Federation-Standard English.
About Betazed:

Betazed is located near the planets of Vulcan, Tellar, Alpha Centauri, and Andor. It is a fertile planet similar in appearance and composition to the human planet of Earth. It has been a long-standing member of the United Federation of Planets, and is known for being very hospitable to its numerous visitors, including dignitaries, Starfleet Personnel, and the common tourist.

The Betazeds themselves are telepathic from an early age, but they are taught to proper etiquette so as not to make public the private thoughts of those around them. It is a well-known fact that some Betazoid women can sense the thoughts of their unborn children. In addition, the wedding ceremony of Betazoids is conducted without clothing.

Things to do:

Tourists wishing to get away from their busy lives can find respite on this beautiful paradise world. There are innumerable resorts, beaches, gardens, and cultural hubs located throughout the planet. Lake Cataria's beaches are famous for their silky sands and lack of noise disturbance.

If you are seeking a more sophisticated experience among the culture, visit Betazed University, where you can experience the learning environment of the inhabitants. Deanna Troi studied there in her youth for a Psychiatry Degree, and has since gone on to become one of the leading voices in starship psychology and the effects of daily life on a starship crew.

Ways to get to Betazed:

Traveling to Betazed is simple, as there are numerous transport ships that routinely make runs to and fro. The Betazed System is close to such major planets as Vulcan, Andor, and the Federation Colony on Alpha Centauri. Arranging transportation is relatively easy, and should bear a minimum cost in time and effort.

After arrival on the surface of the planet, there is an easy access to public transportation and taxi services. Trams similar to those found on other Federation Worlds traverse the planet to major cities and resorts.

Tatooine: from Zulin

Location: Tatoo System
Terrain: Deserts
Native Species: Jawa, Tusken Raiders, Krayt Dragons, Rontos
Language: Basic, Bocce, Jawa
Major Cities: Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, Ancorhead

About Tatooine:Tatooine is about the last place normal people would take a vacation to. The only really interesting things on Tatooine is the Mos Eisley spaceport and Beggars Canyon. In the days of old Tatooine was the Center of Jabba the Hutt's crime world and the home of Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, Biggs and Gavin Darklighter are all from Tatooine and are all Alliance pilots.

Most of Tatooine's Population are moisture farmers or work in the Mos Eisley spaceport. But the indigenous species of Tatooine live a life of there own, one that no intelligent life form would want to live.

The Jawas wander the Vast Dune Sea in search of broken down speeders and other mechanical junk. Jawa's pride themselves in selling used droids to moisture farmers and other buyers. The Tusken Raiders are primitive, Bantha riding annoyances. Tusken Raiders ride there Bantha's all around the Judland wastes in search of the deadly Krayt Dragons which they hunt.

Places:Mos Eisley is the largest city on Tatooine. Mos Eisley is where the filth of the Galaxy go to gather, get drunk, and get filthier. The Mos Eisley Cantina is where Han Solo first met the 2 people who would change his life forever, Luke Skywalker and the late Obi-wan Kenobi.

Mos Espa is the second largest city on Tatooine and home to the old pod racing arena. It was in Mos Espa that Anakin Skywalker and Shmi Skywalker were enslaved by Watto. It was also in Mos Espa where Queen Amidala, Obi-wan Kenobi, Qui-gon Jinn, and the rest of the Naboo royal crew landed to get parts for there broken down starship.

Ancorhead is a small supply city where Moisture farmers go and buy supplies for there farms. Luke Skywalker was supposed to take R2-D2 and C-3PO to have there memories wiped but the empire foiled that plan.

Beggars Canyon is a rock canyon not far from Mos Eisley. Many young hotshots have tried there luck at speeding through the canyon in there speeders or T-16s. Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter would frequently race through the Canyon, threading the stone needle or bulls eying wamprats.

Things to do: Hunting Krayt Dragons is an adventerous and fun thing to do. All you need to do is rent a speeder and and get a really big blaster. Ventureing into the Judland wastes will provide you with an awsome view of canyons and valleys.

Getting drunk in the Mos Eisley Cantina is a good way to spend your time on a wonderful escape from the real universe. The collection of bounty hunters, smugglers, and other galactic filth will surely frighten the kids. The Cantina's 'No Droids' policy can cause issues when droid bounty hunter show up, so be careful.

For the more adventurous tourist there are numerous speeder and T-16 rental places throughout Mos Eisley. Test your skills against the treacherous canyon and try and bulls eye wamprats or thread the stone needle. Only the most experienced pilots will make it through fast. Beggars Canyon is not recommended for novice pilots.

Ways to get to Tatooine:The quickest route to Tatooine from the core worlds is to start in the Corellian system and take the Corellian run to Ryloth, then back jump to Tatooine. If you are coming from Bothawui the safest route would be to jump to the Naboo system, then to Zhar and on to Tatooine. If coming from Thyferra you should take the Rimma Trade route to Sullust, then jump to Zahr and over to Tatooine.

If you own a Starship that is probably the easiest way to get to Tatooine. If you don't you could probably charter a ship. But if that costs to much for you, it would be really cheap to pay a smuggler to smuggle you in. Living in a first class cargo hold for a few days with extremely comfortable ejection seats and delicious combat rations can make the vacation unforgetable. Of caorse if you are an Alliance or Imperial Officer you could always take leave and comadeer a shuttle or fighter to get to Tatooine, Just don't tell the Captain. Once on Tatooine a trusty speeder or other vehicle would be a good choice for tranportation but renting a dewback or a ronto would be good too.
