PBeM - A Special Feature from Entertainment!

Author: CL4 Destiny
Department: Tango Division
Entertainment Network

Once again the Tango Division monkeys have developed another PBeM sim. Unlike "IRC" sims, play by e-mail sims allows the players to contribute at their own pace and be more in depth. The Moderator or GM (Sim Master) starts the story line with the first email, then the others read it and respond back in accordance to the game parameters set by the GM. Which, of course, is just all part of the fun.

To make sure everyone has fun and to avoid conflict, there are some basic rules and regulations which every player is expected to follow and adhere to, which every sim, live or PBeM has - to make sure everybody is happy and enjoys themselves.

The Entertainment Network sims are definately one of a kind. Each introduces new experiences and challenges. The adventure never ends in a sim as long has you keep on having fun. And this time the adventure takes you in to the world of Stargate!

Noah's Ark Premise: From the very dawn of the Stargate programme SGC and the US Government have actively enforced a covert operations division of the SGC teams. The team is known as SG:14 but to officials SG:NA there mission is to search for a suitable safe haven in case of interplanetary emergency.

On July 13th 1999 SG:NA located a planet that met every criteria set by the powers that be. The planet Aurora was then colonised by an elite group of marines and officials who then constructed a city at the stargate. The technology was that far more advanced than that of the SGC.

On January 1st 2001 the complex named Noah's Ark was complete ready for the evacuation of valuable citizens of the planet Earth. SG teams 1,2 and 14 were on a routine technology reconnaissance mission when they heard some very unnerving news. A Gou'ald named Shyana a 100 000yr old creature rumoured to be from the original Gou'ald had overpowered the System Lords.

She has united all the Systems to return the Gou'ald to there former glory by achieving the goal of Universal domination. They believe that Earth is the biggest threat to there victory.

On July 16th 2002 an armada of Gou'ald ships closed in on earth and evacuation of the 'key' citizens of earth began. With the president gone General Hammond was calling the shots. SG:1 were sent to put a stop to the armada, SG:1 went up to the lead ship with nuclear weapons. Colonel O'Neil was sent to Noah's Ark to coordinate -the evacuation while Hammond stayed to prevail or go down with his 'ship'.

Unknown to anyone on Noah's Ark a nuclear weapon was activated on the lead ship which resulted in a large antigravity wave that forced the Armada to retreat, travel of any kind and communication was impossible around earth for at least 100 years.

So please feel free to join the Tok'ra, Asgard, Gou'ald, and Humans as we all fight for the universe.

Noah's Ark Home Page Thanks!
