Senior Officer Special Feature
This month's featured officer: Captain JJ

Author: Lt. Cmdr. missMaul
Department: Communications

This month's featured senior officer is Captain JJ. Outside Outpost 10f, JJ is known as Jennifer and she lives in Austin, Texas. She is famous for not giving away her age, so not even I will be able to give you that very wanted information.

JJ found us because she and her husband Crazy Texan were chatting on some other site, but it was boring there and she didn't make friends. So one day when it was slow at work she did a search for Star Trek chat rooms. And there it was, Outpost 10F, or TenForward at the time. JJ immediately met some great people here and liked the atmosphere. She found it interesting because Outpost10F was international and people from all over the world came (and still come of course) here.

This is still what she likes best about Outpost10F. It attracted JJ that this way she could find out what other countries and cultures were like. And so slowly JJ got involved and she started working in Counseling. Then she was accepted into the ISA and was made a crossover deputy, because by then the CCC had started so JJ worked ISA in both chat rooms. Then Capt. Deanna was asked to head a new administration division called Internal Affairs (IA), which wasn't affiliated with either chat genre and was formed to help with impartial conflict resolution between officers. JJ was her assistant for several months, then put in charge when Deanna had to quit because of real life conflicts.Shortly after that Captain Babel was made Sector Commander and asked JJ to be his deputy. And that's where she is today.

In the chat rooms, JJ is pretty much herself only a bit more outgoing. She tries to be herself in the chat and so she brings her mood with her. When having a bad day she hopes to find someone to cheer her up (remember that people!). But does the same in return. In real life she's a bit more shy. And yes, in real life JJ and CT pick on each other too. And married to an OTF'er she can gossip about us, but can also talk about her real life in the chat. Also in real life JJ can sometimes be found using Outpost10F slang forgetting where she is.

In real life a normal day looks like this for JJ: She wakes up because CT tells her she has to, both of them are not really fond of the morning. JJ takes a shower to wake up, grabs breakfast while getting ready for work, and in most occasions is running late. After the so-called boring office job (it's not that bad I hope) JJ runs errands on the way home. Then when she gets home she checks if the computer still works and reads email. Then when CT gets home one of them fixes dinner, then the other cleans. After that they'll watch television or get behind the computer.

Besides hanging out in Outpost10F, JJ volunteers at her church as a youth sponsor in her free time. That takes up most of her Sundays. She also hangs out with CT and her friends and enjoys theater and music, especially singing. In college as her major, JJ did theater. And now she helps out with the drama ministry at church, performing in and putting together skits and other productions.

Family and friends are very important to JJ, but family always comes first. JJ is the youngest of eight children and therefore family is her biggest support group. But still CT is the most important person in JJ's life. Being her husband and best friend JJ has grown a more confident person while being with him.

And for the future JJ will try to see something positive about her job. She'll try to be a good example and supportive person to the teenagers she works with at church. And hopes to be a good wife for CT and maybe some day to be a good mom as well. Further she wishes just to be there for friends and family. As for Outpost10F, JJ is very excited about all the new things that are going on now. She hopes to see the community grow even bigger and see the new members helping out with their talents. For JJ herself, she has enjoyed every opportunity that has presented itself so far, and she wants to keep contributing where she can.
