Our Newest Member

Author: Toddy, with a little help from Jon
Department: The New Parents

Megan Elizabeth Austin was born to Jon and Shellie Austin on July 25th, 2002. She weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 19 inches long. She came into the world with a head of dark hair and screaming! After a couple of days in the hospital, Jon and Shellie got to take their little bundle home. The first few days went by with a blur between figuring out how to diaper, how often to feed her and learning how to live with a new baby. It was a stressful yet wonderful time.

Today, Megan is 6 weeks old. She now weighs about 10lbs and is 20 inches long. Mom and Dad have settled into parenthood and know the differences between Megan's cries. Megan can now hold her head up and smile a bit. Today, she just started to make some cooing noises. Her eyes are a grey/blue (like her daddy's), but they can still change. Her favorite things to do are eating and sleeping...though eating is still by far her most favorite.

We don't have a family picture yet, but I've attached a recent one of Megan. =)
